How are they not Cannon yet??

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(Sorry this fic took so long, kinda took a short break bc of school, mostly because of a concert I got graded on, and I got team footemoji on tumblr! It's basically a sleeping insert group based around a user/artist on tumblr. My sona got into the roti cast :)

and since mkulia isn't Cannon yet, I'm doing fluff, angst will be next time dw)

Julia opened the bag.

It was currently 2 AM, and Julia couldn't sleep. She missed out on a million dollars. How could she not be upset? She dumped the frozen pizza pockets on a paper plate, and then she proceeded to microwave it. Julia wasn't a huge fan of pizza pockets or pizza in general, but she had nothing else to eat. She pulled out her phone and scrolled on Tiktok, waiting for the food to finish. She drank some water as she waited. The only sound that could be heard was the microwaves buzzing. She looked over to the glass slide door. The stars could be seen clearly, which wasn't really common. Julia ended up getting distracted and heard the microwaves alarm. She quickly got up and took out the food.

"So you're eating food without me?" Julia quickly turned around to see Mk. She was still in her pajamas and looked like she had just gotten up. She was dragging Theodore in her hand. "Why the hell are you doing at 2 AM?" Mk slowly walked down the stairs over to Julia. She sat down next to her as Julia turned off her phone. She placed the plate down beside both of them. Mk immediately started to eat most of them as Julia only ate 3-4. "Are you getting used to that mullet?" Mk asked.

"No. Next question."

"I think it looks good on you," Mk smilies over to Julia. "You know, you're able to borrow my beanie if you hate it that much," Julia quickly turned around to Mk.

"Say that again."

"Y-you can borrow my beanie if you hate it that much??" Jukia tightly hugged Mk as she finished her sentence. 

"Omg, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"  She kissed Mk on her cheek. 

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(Sorry if it was shorter than usual, I'll do a longer one I swear)

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