I don't proof read half of these stories okay?

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(Haven't updated this in a while lol, basically mk and julia are in a challenge, and they have to kiss for their team to get a point and win, I had to watch the worst season just for this,

BTW, this will include slight spoilers for the new season. You're allowed to skip this chapter until you want to watch it or dive in blind. )

Another day of this hellhole.

Mk came back for season 2 with Julia and everybody else. She was pretty determined to get the million bucks. She lucky got on a team with Bowie and Julia, a finalist and a litteral cartoon villain. The only downside was the teams name... but ignoring that, things were going pretty smooth! As she was eating breakfast, Julia sat by her.

"Hey, Mk, how's your moring?"

"Terrible, my body still hurts from getting dropped off a fucking plan."

"Geez, didn't know that was still bugging you. What do you think the challenge will be for today? And do you have any information on anybody?"

"Chase and Emma broke up. Again, im pretty sure zee got sponsored, and Bowie and raj are still together," mk turned over to Julia. "I got no clue, but it better not include getting pushed off the plane again," As she ended her sentence, Chris came in.

"Hello, campers! Get ready because in 15 minutes, you're going to do the challenge or challenges!" He pulled the microphone closer to his face."NOW HURRY UP, WE GOT A SHOW TO DO!" Most campers obiously coverd their ears.

"FUCK, MY EARS!!" mk said, Chris left the tent with a pleased look compared to the others. Obviously, most of the people finished breakfast while others stayed back. "So, do you want to go somewhere with our 15 minutes?"

"Yeah, sure, I'm already ready, and I've got nothing better to do anymore," Julia stood and threw away her food. "Are you coming with me?"

"Oh- yeah, in a moment," mk quickly got up and followed Julia outside into the campsite. The two teammates talked for a short bit until the announcement came on. 

" TIMES UP! GO MEET ME THE FOREST, WEVE GOT PLANS FOR YOU!" Chris laughed over the intercom and ended the announcement.

As the teams arrived, Chris lead them to their seats.

"Uhh Bowie, how the fuck did you get chips??" Mk started at Bowie confused.

"Kitchen, obviously."

"What do you mean kitchen???"

"You know what that means," Bowie continued eating the chips, Mk was even more confused. 

"Alright campers! Since this series has been going on for a while, we're bringing back a old challenge from season 6, with some slight differences, any questions before I start explaining?"

Pryia immediately raised her hand. 

"How come you choose a season 6 challenge when theirs many others-"

" season 6 was absolute trash and we need to remake it somehow, another questions?"

Multiple hands raised up from the teams.

"Okay moving on!"

"On the screen,  a random contest will be picked and they'll be chosen for a truth, or a SCARE! If you get a truth, you tell the truth but if you get a scare, you'll have to do a task for a point for your team. We have a hat filled with scares and truths, the game will end when the hat is completely empty! Since the lie detector from season 6 went insane somehow, we'll get a lie detector for now. If you fail or end up lying, you'll get shocked!" 

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