Operation: RedStorm

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Joey: *[Arrives at Dantooine on the Ravager with Spyro and Flame outside the old Jedi Enclave]* Here we are Spyro and Flame, I know you boys wanna join my forces: but they can be very reckless

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Joey: *[Arrives at Dantooine on the Ravager with Spyro and Flame outside the old Jedi Enclave]* Here we are Spyro and Flame, I know you boys wanna join my forces: but they can be very reckless. The kids here can train you for the betterment of your skills better than I, but do whatever they say. Goodbye my boys.

Dj: [Arrives with his younger brother Sonic The Hedgehog on the the Chu'unthor, which is a Cerean word for "academy", a praxeum ship designed by Cerean Eternal Fin-So-Rowan and Human Eternal Ivixa Delbaeth. The ship was built in orbit around the planet Abhean by Republic Fleet Systems in 400 BBY]

 The ship was built in orbit around the planet Abhean by Republic Fleet Systems in 400 BBY]

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