The Attack

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As if Virginia wasn't bad enough, Prince George's County, Maryland is even worse, and Washington D.C. has become almost unrecognizable. The Russians are keen to desecrate and humiliate the United States in front of the world.

Living in a society where the young generations are so demoralized way before the war even started, James Ramirez expects to see a good number of American youth defect and fight for the Russians just to save their own skin and see the Soviet Union Era they've been dreaming of. But to his surprise, none of them decided to run and worship their new communist masters.

Looking back, he realizes that he was just being paranoid. He could never understand the sarcasm, meme culture and humor of today's youth.

But with war being hell and anything can happen while under desperate times, he keeps an eye on the evacuees. He and Hunter Team Two have been reporting to evacuation site after evacuation site, conducting defensive and evac operations instead of advanced sabotage and Search and Destroy missions.

The United Federation government and other military industrial complexs' are holding special operators back from doing real damage to the Russians and hogging them for themselves for security and evac reasons. Hunter Team 2 is the first spec ops team in the field to know because of Ramirez and McCord's sudden fifteen minute disappearance.

[James Ramirez arrives to meet back with the rest of Hunter Two-One]

[James Ramirez arrives to meet back with the rest of Hunter Two-One]

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Foley: Where have you two been?

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Foley: Where have you two been?

McCord: Searching for answers as to why we're stuck here

*[Wade looks at Ramirez]*

Wade: Did you get anything

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Wade: Did you get anything.

Ramirez: Command's directing us to protect high-ranking military and government officials, most of the time.

[McCord sits back checking his phone]

McCord: Our leaders are hogging us for themselves

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McCord: Our leaders are hogging us for themselves. Want us to be their escorts out of the country, if Russia takes the East Coast.

Dunn: I'm guessing you two snuck into command to learn this.

Dunn: I'm guessing you two snuck into command to learn this

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Ramirez: You guessed right.

Foley: You know that's senior level communique, right?

Ramirez: We hear what we hear. Our leaders think we can just blindly follow orders without question. Sneaking in there was my plan. We all deserve to know.

Foley: *sighs* I can't agree with you more. But it's your career on the chopping block, if they'll start looking for someone to blame.

Ramirez: My career is useless if Russia wins this war. I'm just trying to keep us and America from going under by at least convincing our men to make a real difference.

McCord: Defense is not the best option. We need to take out their firepower, if we hope to survive and turn the tide.

Foley: Everyone else?

Dunn: We can't just sit here and get killed in a defensive position.

Morgan: Our leaders are deaf, dumb and blind. Why should we follow them?

Wade: If I'm dying, I'll die protecting and fighting with y'all. I don't care what our leaders will do to me.

With everyone agreeing to disseminate their intel, and Ramirez assuring Foley that America comes before his career, they prepare to communicate with every spec ops unit in their comms' range. But before they could, Overlord drops a bomb on all spec ops in the East Coast.

Overlord: All U.S. Spec Ops in the East Coast, this is Overlord. All military and government leaders have been evacuated and all comms to them have been severed. Which means fuck their orders and go on the offensive. I say again, fuck the current orders, advanced sabotage and SD operations are authorized. Acknowledge, over.

Hunter Team Two and every spec ops unit near them reacted lively and positively to the news and started drawing their battle plans with the help of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance.

Foley: Overlord, Hunter Team 2 acknowledges. Perfect timing. We were just about to do the same thing. Over.

Overlord: Roger... Hold Hunter Two incoming traffic... All U.S. Spec Ops in and near Washington D.C., Dulles International Airport, the Old Capitol Building, Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument Evac Sites are under heavy fire at this time. Fireteams are requested. Acknowledge if you will assist, over.

Being closest to it and wanting to secure all civilians before causing chaos on the Russian offensive, Hunter Team Two volunteered to secure the Washington Monument Evac Site. Overlord acknowledges and approves, and they're off -- to Washington D.C.

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