Operation: RedStorm

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Zakhaev International Airport

Moscow, Russia

"Here we go…" Vladimir Makarov announced

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"Here we go…" Vladimir Makarov announced.

The screen then showed several men in an elevator. Among them was Makarov. He appeared to be saying something in a foreign language.

"It's another language. What language is that?"

"That language is Russian. Or Makarov, in this case - is reciting something to himself."

Many hummed in understanding.

The people in the elevator were all dressed up in identical tactical gear, with similar guns. They proceeded to put on full face helmets to conceal their identities.

"Remember, No Russian." Makarov said to Allen. Allen nodded, just as the elevator opened.

The entire group stepped out of the elevator. The screen changed to Allen's point of view. His breath became more and more quick.

"Allen seems to be getting cold feet, heh." Lev said.

Allen followed Makarov and the others to the entrance of an airport building, and proceeded to point their weapons at the civilians and guards near a security checkpoint.

Many eyes in the audience bulged out.

Kril cried out. "N-no…they wouldn'-!"

The soldiers were indiscriminate in their shooting. Many people were immediately gunned down and killed. Many civilians started to run away only to be torn apart by bullets a second later. The airport guards were killed before they had a chance to retaliate and defend the people. Even Allen had started shooting. He had to keep his cover.

The screams of people running away, the sound of blood gurgling from the people who were shot but still living, and the tears of frightening civilians combined with the noise of the bullets to form a cacophonic melody.

Even though it was another universe, tears began to well up in the eyes of many students. "Wh-wh-why…" Ruby croaked out, stopping to sniffle.

Many of the adults were frozen in fear. To see life be taken away so blatantly was something they did not expect. "I…I…." He is speechless.

"All these people…." Allen thought solemnly.

" Allen thought solemnly

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