Operation: RedStorm

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Gregori Larionov, also known as Devastator was firing loads of laser shots at the four-man Warder team from his wrist blaster which is a blaster that is worn and fired from the wrist

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Gregori Larionov, also known as Devastator was firing loads of laser shots at the four-man Warder team from his wrist blaster which is a blaster that is worn and fired from the wrist. Devastators armor could fire microwave blasts, electrostatics, and other energies.

There are two types of wrist blasters. One type was worn on the wrist by humanoids. Due to its inconspicuousness, it was popular with assassins, diplomats working in hostile territories, and other nobles who hated being completely unarmed. Wrist blaster are worn as bracelets and looked like an ordinary piece of jewelry. The bulk of the wrist blaster contained the power cell, which is powerful enough to deliver the same damage as a blaster, but contained enough energy for only a single shot. Special alloys masked the wrist blaster from sensors that scan for weapons. Owning this type of weapon was illegal in all but specific, highly regulated circumstances. Variants of this type of wrist blaster included the wrist laser such as the Dur-24 wrist laser worn by bounty hunter Boba Fett. Admiral Ackbar had a wrist-mounted combination comlink and wrist blaster.

"For Mother Russia!" Devastor stated proudly still firing his wrist blasters rapidly.

Ohmal Junior: [Holding up the Force Barrier deflecting the laser shots]* Can't keep this up forever!

Elion: Hold strong brother!

Melody: I could just run around then-

[Aeon shock her head 'no']

[Aeon shock her head 'no']

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