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The Alps, a mountain range that extends into central and southern Europe. These Alps also run through the Nord of Italy. In a quiet little region with a beautiful landscape, that is not too well known, called South Tyrol.

South Tyrol is the most northern region of Italy, which confines with Austria and Switzerland, in the Nord of it, France in the west and Slovenia in the east. As already mentioned, the IMF has safehouses around the globe so why not put a few safehouses in that region, that stays almost undetected? it would be the best place for that wouldn't it? At least that's what Ethan thought, so as soon as he had the chance, in fact, he had moved there with his niece, well more daughter than niece.

Anyway, I know what you're thinking: why would Ethan pick a safehouse so far away from America? The answer is pretty simple, he moved South Tyrol, so that the "bad guys" most likely would have a harder time in finding Sara and taking her as a hostage or worse kill her. To have an advantage against Ethan, because it was clear that Sara meant everything to him.

But back to real time. In one of these mountains there is a house in the middle of the woods. A rather small house, just big enough to have space for 2 bedrooms a bathroom and a kitchen with no living room. The house is made of red wood. Summing it up: it's small but cozy. Exactly the stile Sara and her father like.

But as of recently the house has a sad, empty, almost lifeless aura. Something almost unimaginable considering that that little house, usually is filled with laughter and joy. The reason for this is that Ethan, about three months ago, went to jail because he accepted a Mission called Rankow Prison. In this Mission Ethan, with the help of the IMF of course, had to infiltrate himself in the Rankow prison, located in Russia.

But this Mission was also related to Julia Meade-Hunt, Ethan's ex-wife, who was believed to be dead because of a mission in Croatia. However, Ethan knew she wasn't dead because he was there, in Croatia, himself at that time. So, her death was staged, and she was alive. The IMF only used her death as a cover to allow Ethan to infiltrate Rankow Prison. Pretty clever, isn't it?

Sara however didn't like this mission one bit, she knew that something would go wrong or that it would take longer than expected, because in fact, that mission was just supposed to take about 2 weeks not 3 months. Except, that wasn't even the worst part, the worst part for her was just sitting in that now almost empty house and wait for a call, or a knock on the door to know if Ethan, her father, was okey, or at least safe.

So, it wasn't a surprise at all when the landline phone started ringing and the first thing she did was jumping down from the couch and literally sprinting towards the sound, to pick up the phone. Before picking op the phone she straightened up her body and cleared her throat, "Hello?" she asked, anxious to maybe hear her father on the other side of the phone. To her slight surprise and disappointment, she heard a young woman's voice:

"Sara" she said.

"Who's calling?" Sara retorted.

"That's not important. I'm calling on behalf of the IMF" The women just continued asking.

"Okey then, what's the code?" Sara responded for the second time.

"Sorry, what?" This time the women sounded confused, as if she just heard that flying pigs existed.

"What's the code?" Sara repeated firmly.

"Wha – Oh for god's sake Benji just talk to her". Sara's body relaxed almost immediately after she heard Benji talking in the background. "Just give me the goddamn phone and let me talk to her" In the background you could still hear a few noises, from which one could accomplish that the mobile phone was passed on to someone else, before the voice of Benji could be heard this time loud and clear. "Sara" "Jesus Benji you just scared the shit out of me. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for a call from you, Luther, Dad or even the fucking secretary" a sigh of relief was released from Beji before he continued. "Yeah, good to hear you too Sara. Listen you remember that Ethan went to jail right?" "Yeah, yeah unfortunately I know what you're talking about" "Good because the IMF just gave us a rescue mission to get Ethan out of jail" "They did? That's great. But who's us?" "Oh, uh, me, Jane and you. And before you ask, yes, the secretary gave us the permission" "That's great and all, but, uh, may I remind you that im stuck here in Italy and that you're in America?" "No problem we are going to take to planes and on the way there we are going to pick you up. So what do ya say?" "A cosa stiamo aspettando allora?" (Then what are we waiting for?)" I have no idea what you just said but imma send you the file with the information and I'll see you at the airport" grinning Sara replied "Brilliant see you later, love ya uncle Benji" "Love you too and see you later. Oh, and before I forget- "" Do not get killed on the way to the airport, because if I do Dad's going to kill you. I know, I know." Before Benji could reply anything to her, Sara just hung up the phone.

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