•°•▪︎|CHAPTER 6|▪︎•°•

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After almost 30 minutes the five of them, finally agreed on a plan for the upcoming mission. Jane would be disguised as a regular tourist, walking near the entrance of the Kremlin where she'll carry a pocket-video camera, an earpiece to communicate with the rest of the team, and a red balloon where there's a very small device attached, which later, will help Ethan Sara and Benji as they infiltrate the Kremlin. Thanks to the portable- video camera, Jane will be able to remotely control the balloon.

As for Ethan, Benji and Sara they will enter the Kremlin disguised as different characters, Ethan as General Anatoly Fedorov, Benji as his butler --carrying his "suitcases"-- and Sara as his personal assistant. All three of them had to wear the official green suit -with hat-- in order to fit in. The most disguised is Ethan because he had to wear a fake beard and some facial touches, making him look exactly like the real general. Sara, on the other hand, simply had to wear some make-up to make her look "older", and she also had to wear glasses. But this did not bother her at all, on the contrary, she was used to it since most of the time she had to wear them by force, since she was slightly short-sighted. During missions however (usually) she had to wear contact lenses to have more "freedom" in doing things like fighting for example.

In this case, however, it was the other way around, but the glasses did not contain a real lens, of course, it was present, but they were not real. Behind the lenses Sara still wore contact lenses, so she could still see clearly. The least disguised was Benji but then again, he wasn't really disguised, in the end he just wore some glasses.

Once they entered the courtyard of the Kremlin, they made their way to the entrance. Simultaneously Jane, outside the Kremlin, let go of the balloon with the gadget, which then flew away.

While walking, Benji, because of the agitation, pressure, anxiety, and maybe even a little bit of fear started whispering, preventing the passing people to hear. "This is very exciting. Being out in the field. With you and Ara, you know. It's a bit of a dream for me." After a short pause, he continued with his non-stop talking "Love your disguise by the way, you look just like him. You too Ara you look like you're at least 20. It's a shame we're not wearing masks. You know, like, full masks. Everybody gets to wear a mask but Benji" Sara was about to say something, something like: I never got the chance to wear a full mask too Benji, we're in the same boat. But kept quiet knowing that her father would scold her.

Looking to his right, Ethan gives a subtle but clear look to Benji that says like: Shut up, or you're blow our cover. "Sorry" whispered back Benji, after seeing the look Ethan gave him. "I'm tense. I babble when I'm nervous. I'm doing it again, shut up Benji."

Meanwhile, Jane was activating her portable video camera taking control over the ballon. Putting the camera to her eye she looks like a normal tourist, but in reality, she was analysing the roofs of the Kremling's courtyard trying to find the right one. As she does this the trio back in the Kremling passed the first security check.

"Okey, seven security guards. X-ray machine. Cameras. Metal detectors. Just what we were expected. We can do this" continued to babble Benji trying to reassure the other two, but really? It looked like he was trying to reassure himself rather than the other two.

Positioning herself, with the balloon, directly above the right chimney, Jane warns the trio of what she's about to do. "Releasing in three, two, one." As soon as she said "one", the ballon suddenly popped, and the gadget fell through the holes of the top of the chimney. Leaving it falling, at least until it reached the bottom. After that it begun to blink from a blue to a red light signalling that it was active.

Still trying to ease his nerves Benji continues to talk in a low voice. "Game face, game face. Kremlin game face" that made Sara almost laugh, emphasise on almost. Passing by a guard at the top of the stairs, he raised his arm towards his head doing the typical military salute. He assumed they would stop to do the second security check, but his assumptions were wrong considering that the trio just passed by him not even sparing him a second glance. And so, to get their attention he started talking Russian to them. "Генерал... я майор Егоров. Ваши документы" (General...I am Major Egorov. Your documents please.) The three of them stopped. Both Sara and Benji looked at Ethan, waiting to see what they would do now. Sweat was running down Sara's back at this point because of the stress and nerves. Turning around Banji and Sara followed suit.

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