°•°▪︎|CHAPTER 7|▪︎°•°

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The first thing Sara could sense was pain, a mind-blowing headache. Her ears where ringing and she couldn't hear anything because of it. Trying to figure out where she was, Sara slowly opened her eyes only to be blinded by the light a second later. After her eyes had become accustomed to the light, finally her other senses began to wake up too.

A strong smell of disinfectant invaded her nostrils making her realize she was in a hospital. Confusion filled her body.

Why was she in a hospital?

That was the first thought her brain could form. Trying to touch her face, as pure instinct, she raised her left hand, only to find it attached to a handcuff to the hospital gurney, which she was lying on. She then looked to her right, finding her right hand handcuffed to the gurney. Turning her head back to her left hand she saw a hypodermic needle in it.

This type of needle is usually used for medical purposes, like administering medications or drawing blood. In addition, she was just wearing a white - well, it was white. Now it's more of a red and brown strained tank-top, thanks to the blood and dirt-- that she was wearing before under the leather jacket and a pair of black jogging pans. Now, her mind was racing, trying to recall what happened.

After another handful of minutes, the events of what had happened before she lost consciousness finally came rushing back to her.

Kremlin. Empty file. Frequency interception. Bomb. Ethan.

The last thought made her body go in panic-mode. As fast as her body allowed her to, she turned her head in every direction possible, trying to find her dad. When her eyes settled on another gurney on her left not too far from her, her body relaxed, having finally found her dad. As her, he was also handcuffed to the gurney he was laying on. He had a blanket covering his lower half, and on his upper body where originally was a white T-short was now his bare chest.

Stretching her head as far as she could, Sara tried to see if her father was awake, or as she was a few minutes ago, unconscious. Finding him with his eyes open, she tried to draw her father's attention to herself, without drawing the attention of anybody else in the hospital, not knowing if she could trust anyone.

The only thing she could think of at that moment to get her father's attention was to call him. Not a very smart move considering whoever blew up the Kremlin might have sent his men to kill them.

"Dad?" no reaction.

"Dad?" she whispered a bit louder. Again, no reaction.

"Dad!". After the third time he finally heard her, making his head whip around to her direction. When their eyes locked his face was filled with relief, concern and confusion. Relief because she was right there alive and breathing. Concern because her face was partly covered in dried blood and her hair was a bit matted and dirty because of the blood and dirt. And confusion, because like her, he didn't know how they got in the hospital. To ease his nerves a bit Sara mouthed a quick 'Don't worry, I'm okey.' to Ethan.

After the duo made sure that both were okay, in the background they were able to hear the TV, where they were broadcasting the news. It took Sara a while to figure out what they were saying, as she was still a little stunned, but as soon as she focused, she managed just fine. "Official are blaming a gas main explosion underneath the Kremlin, that set off a chain reaction-" both of them had all of their focus on the Tv and the news now, trying to figure out if the news knew who set of the bomb. "-It's yet not clear what section of the Kremlin was affected-" pictures where showed, pictures of injured people and the damage that the bomb caused.

Sara felt a tad guilty, knowing that if she had figured out what was happening sooner, she could have prevented this. But then she reminded herself that what happened was uninventable, seeing as nor she nor her team knew that Cobalt had a suitcase with a bomb inside of it. "- but sources at the site say there is a massive crater in the northern corner of the ground. Officials have assured the public that the gas is no way toxic..." Before the news reporter could continue, Sara was distracted by a man who stood at the head of her father's bed.

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