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15 years ago...

A woman,with an athletic body that looks like it has been trained for years, probably in her mid twentys, stands in front of a very old window. We can't see her face due to the poor light that is in that room. But we can clearly see that she is looking at her watch.The pointer points exactly at 12 pm. She lifts her gaze to look out of the window. Again, we can see that it's very dim outside of the old building she is in.

Not long after she started looking out of the window, she shifts her gaze to her left, revealing a poorly made crib with something or rather someone inside of it. Upon giving it a closer look, we can recognise a baby that is no older than 1 y/o sleeping peacefully, for now at least.

After a few more minutes, she sighs and mumbles something incomprehensible under her breath. Looking at her watch again, she realised that he was late, which is very unlikely of him, seeing the fact that he is always on time. Not knowing what to do, she walks to the crib and looks down at the sleeping baby. We can recognise that the baby we are talking about is a little baby girl.

Suddenly, she sees movement outside the Widow. If it's really him or someone sent to kill her, she didn't know what she did know thought was, that she would protect her little baby girl at all costs.

Thinking quickly, she takes the baby out of her crib, silently praying that she won't wake up now, and moves to the darkest corner the room has to offer so that she merges with the shadows behind her. What she can do now is be as quiet as possible and hope that it's really him and not someone who wants to kill her.

Waiting quietly, she listens to see if the mysterious figure she saw earlier out the window is already inside the building or if it was all just in her head. But to her unluck, it wasn't just inside her head no,you could hear that very quiet, almost non-existent sound of someone walking.

The moonlight shimmered through the window, making it difficult to see the room she was in, but it was enough to see the most important parts of the room: the possible escape routes that she could take and perhaps disappear from there if the situation escalated.

But back to the actual problem, someone was in the hallway and was slowly but surely approaching in her direction. The door opens slowly, and a man comes in with very quiet steps, as you can see, thanks to the moonlight. The mysterious man turns so that the moonlight reflects his face, where we can finally see his face.

The man is no older than 30. He has short, dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a sharp jawline. His body is muscular, but not like a bodybuilder, more like an athlete who has trained for years. He is wearing black jeans, a black T-shirt and a black jacket over it. It was almost as if he wanted to merge with the night.

Because she was hidden in the shadows, he couldn't see her. But he knows that she is in that room. Because in the end, it was her who contacted him after all. He whispered her name very quietly, "Claire?"

She moved very slowly towards him while holding the baby to her chest, not too tightly but securely, and whispered back, "Ethan?" "Is it really you?" Finally, they faced each other. And finally we can see her face, Clairs face. She has dark brown, almost black hair and dark brown eyes. If you confront their faces, you can clearly see the similarities between the two of them.

"Yes," he answers, still whispering, "it's me" In a determined voice she says "Tell me something that only you and I would know" "Okey, something that only you and I know...uhhh, okay, okay, you still knew that time when I was around 15 and you where 10 and you stuffed newspaper into your shoes to make yourself look taller? Because you wantet do be taller then me?" With tears in her eyes, she looked at him and replied, "In the end I was, even though I almost fell after what felt like 2 minutes, and you caught me before I fell". He laughs lightly and says with a relieved tone "Yeah that was a very fun day."

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