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The IMF (Impossible Mission Force), a secret spy agency, has safehouses distributed all over the world. Which can come in very handy if, like Ethan, you want to stay under the radar, or hidden. Because that is exactly what he did. After hearing his sister die and taking his niece under his wing, he needed to settle down for a few years in order to raise her. But to be completely honest, with time he begun to see her more as a daughter then a niece. When Sara was about three, she accidentally called Ethan "dad" for the very first time. Assuming that Ethan was in shock after that event was an understatement. He felt like a proud parent and bragged about it in front of his two best friends. But since that day it kind of stuck and she started calling him that most of the time, an if not dad then either "Uncle Ethan" or (which happened very rarely) just Ethan.

At the age of 5 Sara also got the chance to meet Benji and Luther for the first time after Ethan talked about them to her, which now she refers to as Uncle Benji and Uncle Luther. Or just Benji and Luther. Both grew quite fond of her, and she loves playing with them almost as much as she loves everything that involves chocolate...which says a lot. But it was obvious that Sara had Luther and Benji wrapped up around her little finger, since day one, like she did with Ethan.

Since Ethan is a secret spy that works for a secret agency, he was and is in danger 24/7 and not wanting to take any risks he started teaching Sara everything he knew. Since she was 4, now obviously he can't just hand her a gun and let her shoot at some random target. So instead, he started teaching her while playing. For example, he started teaching her to be aware of her surroundings. To analyse everything around her, to not trust people easily but to give them the benefit of the doubt, to move around as silently as possible, to always have a back-up plan in case plan A goes wrong or doesn't work out, to hide and melt with the shadows around her, to finding hiding places the fastest way. By playing hide and seek, I spy with my little eye and many more, Ehan was able to teach her all these things.

However, he noticed early, that she has an exceptionally good photographic memory, together with an extraordinary hearing and sight, so he worked on it with her to the point that it would seem that she has some type of enchanted memory, sight and hearing, which obviously is not possible. But Ethan thought, that she might had just inherited it from her mother, because his sister had that talent herself so it would be more then plausible.

With the years Ethan, slowly but surely, added other elements in her "training". To the point that with 7 years she could disarm Ethan without any problems. In addition to the fact that she could disarm Ethan without any problems, she knew how to use a weapon, such as a gun or a knife, the proper way without hurting herself. And at 8 years old she was able to fight better than some adults, she certainly wasn't a pro yet, and if she would be in a fight she would struggle, a lot, but if she had continued like this, it wouldn't have taken long to even beat Ethan as well.

Apart from Ethan, Sara also learned everything she could from Benji and Luther, mostly the hacking and the deleting of files. She learned that quite quickly and in addition, she taught herself a few tricks.

At the age of 8 the IMF found out about the girl that Ethan Hunt was hiding from them for 7 years. He would have risked being fired, instead the secretary had approved, with the excuse that Sara would become an excellent agent with the right training, that is, with the help of Ethan. And so, Ethan continued Sara's training with the approval of the secretary.

Every time Ethan had a new mission after the secretary's approval (even though he did that before too, even without the secretary's approval), he either left Sara wander off on her own in one of the many IMF bases, so that Benji or Luther could keep an eye on her ,although Ethan trusted Luther more to keep an eye on her then Benji because, you know Luther can be responsible and Benji is... well Beji, or he would let her stay at the safehouse alone, hoping and praying, that when he would came back he would not find hell. Obviously, he preferred leaving Sara with Benji and Luther, but of course both also have missions of their own. So that didn't always work out, in these cases Sara simply took some books previously given by Ethan and began to teach herself two other languages: Italian and German.

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