- § chapter 2 § -

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Kamerie pov -

I was patiently waiting for her to come outside because what was taking her ass so long like hurry up .

Then I beeped the horn and she came outside looking sexy as ever like then I looked at her outfit again and I threw her some short when she came in .

Why you throw me these she asked because you not bout to were them shorts inside the trap house ma and I'm not playing .

You act like we're dating or something and we not the fuck so let me where what I want you let me pick right so shut up .

Then I put my seatbelt on and drove past the speed limit because who the fuck she talking to like that but I'ma let it slide because we on the road .

why you driving so fast? She said I ignored her then we finally arrived at the trap i got out the car and didn't open the door because I'm not her girlfriend remember .

Then she got out of the car and then she shut the door then we walked inside and people started eyeing her down and that was pissing me off but she not mines remember .

Then I saw drea and she walks over to me and she starts talking to me and I knew exactly how to make ma mad .

Hey merie she said hey I replied back who you bring with you oh just a friend of mine why I was wondering if you wanted to yk do a quickie .

Kaleia pov -

I was looking around everywhere for her and I couldn't find her like why would she just invite and leave me out her by myself .

Then I walked upstairs and was knocking on the doors of the rooms that were upstairs and when I walked past this one room all I hear is moaning .

Fuck!! Daddy!! Then I hear her voice talking about you like that huh love and I was so pissed I kicked the door down and saw her giving a bitch head .


Then she cleans her face off and walks towards me why you giving her head? Huh I said i do what I want man stop tripping .

She continues you remember what you said in the car we not dating so I could do what I want so why you so mad .

Because you just fucked me and now you giving a bitch head you look dumb ASF like and since you wanna do what you want mad then do it take me home i said .

Then we walked downstairs and she dipped up her gang and nem and went outside to her car and got in .

She then give me a note and I crumbled it up and threw it in the back of her car and then I got out when we arrived at my house and shut my door and locked it .

Kamerie pov -

She left her phone so I sneakly put my phone number in her phone and I kinda feel bad but not really and why should I feel bad we ain't even dating .

But at the same time she makes me feel things I never felt before when I date someone and I don't know what it is but it makes me feel good .

Then I knocked on her door and she didn't answer at first then she finally answered and she looked at me with all kinds of attitude .

WHAT TH- you forgot your phone ma i said and then she snatched it from me and slammed the door and walked off and got into my car.

And when I got in my car I got a message from someone and looked to see who it was drea! What she texting me for .

Drea💓: hey merie baby wyd?

Me:what the fuck do u want?

Drea: what I do I was just asking if you wanted to hang out since that bitch is gone
And out of the picture

Me:she ain't no bitch she's a sexy dark skin girl so address her as that not no bitch and matter fact delete my number why you texting me

Drea: because I miss you


Then I blocked her and I drove back to my house because I was bored and then I realized the STUDIO!! And I took a u turn and drove to the studio .


Ik this chapter is short but bare with me I actually really wanna continue this story !!

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796 words!!!

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