- § chapter 7 § -

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Kaleia pov -

I was sitting in the hospital bed questioning who would let this happen and why would they want to hurt me? .

We don't know but we do know who raped you the police has it on file and they will catch him and lock him up .

I responded with ok and then she put the insulin in shot and gave me a 3 second count down and I was scared .

1 2 3 .. then she stuck the shot in me causing me to go to sleep and not wake up until they were done fixing .

Drea pov -

So is she dead or what? I asked ariel then she look at me with her eye wise open and said no .

So then why is she not dead yet? I asked because .. she said he raped her he siad he wasn't killing her because it's a dumb reason .

And be fucking glad I put her in the hospital you ain't doing shit you mines well say fuck it let me do all the work hoe .

Who you talking to she say aiming her gun at Ariel ok bitch then Ariel pulled hers gun out but her's was actually off safety and cocked back .

Try me then Drea said to her she did it to you to she said to Ariel nah Ariel said she did me worst then you .

Drea says she slapped me on my face what she do to you nothing nah she put her gun inside my mouth and she then slapped me with it .

Imagine Drea said then that made Ariel body boil with angry SHUT TEH FUCK UP OR START THE PLAN MISS I GOTTA BIG PLAN BUT ILL WAIT TIL ITS THE RIGHT TIME .


Wai- talk to me when you get and ready to the plan Andrea she said as she walked out .

Jahlani pov -

I was In my room thinking hard about this shit because who in their right mind would do that to my sister at that .

And where? What hospital then I got in my car and rushed to the nearest  hospital to check on my sister just being a sister rn .

Time skip -

Where is she? She asked who are you to her mam I'm her fucking sister where is she? What room number? 308 mam .

She then walked to room 308 and didn't care about anything but to see her sister ok then her and Kashan walked in to see her .

Hey mwommy he said h- hi baby cmere she said and she handed her Kashan and she hugged her son tightly .

What the fuck happened who did it? Umm I got raped she said with tears in her eyes and this girl watched happen her name is Ariel .

That bitch I follow her on Instagram I'ma get that bitch when I see her she better be ready for war hoe she said .

Hours and hours went by and visiting hours were over she gave her son and her sister a kiss and a hug then they walked out of the hospital .

Kamerie -

I was so mad right now because my fucking soon to be wife in the fucking hospital because of Ariel .

Fuck!! I hope she doing good in there because I miss her sexy ass alot and this wouldn't of happened if I didn't let that man in .

Then she sat in her office and started to cry because why her why not me what did she do to deserve this she said .

Then it all clicked Drea? Likes her and so does Ariel and they probably want to hurt her because they can't be with her ! .

That makes sense she said then she just had to think of a plan to them back for hurting my wife she said as she walked to the closet and grabbed me some paper .

Kaleia pov -

I finally was out the hospital and I was so happy and I missed chocolate so much like I need some d- alr let me shut up .

They told me that when I fully healed I can smoke drink and I can have sex but I gotta do it safely so I don't hurt my scar .

I then waited for her to come then I see hee red Corvette with tinted windows right in front of me and it made my day because I missed her so much .

I had to talk to her about something that really was erking me and I could help bug talk about it .

Umm .. get your bitches in check I said wym she said you must've thought I was stupid but I know you know the reason behind this .

So tell m- no! She yelled damn stop being so erked about it damn like then I slapped her in her face and then she gripped my neck .

We started kissing sloppy and passionate and that made me wetter than wet I was soaking .

She then starts to rub my areola slowly and moans escapes my mouth as she went a little faster .

Fuuckk!! Faster!! I said almost at my peek and then she removed her hands and didn't let me cum and I was pissed .

Kamerie pov -

I picked up kaleia from the hospital and Al I wanted to do was fuck her pretty ass all night and then the next day take her out on a date .

Then she started talking umm .. get you bitches in check she said and I replied wym you must've thought I was stupid I know you no the reason behind this? .

So tell m- no! I yelled stop being so erked about it damn then she slapped me in my face then I gripped her neck and passionate sloppily kissed her .

I then rubbed her areola and she stared to moan but she sing know I had a trick up my sleeve fuuckk!! Faster!! She moaned and when I felt she was almost at peek I moved my hands from out of her underwear .

Drea pov -

I was sitting in my room thinking about how I was get this plan to work and y'all probably thinking what is the plan .

So basically someone from the club gone invite her to this party and then when she come she gone be offered a drink .

Then when she drinks the drink she gone be drugged and she not gone know then we gone take her and put her in a vehicle .

And drive to a warehouse and we gone tie her up and abuse her to death and if that don't work we just gone kill and she deserves it .

She should of never fell in love with my son to be wife and I'ma let her know it ever second when I catch her .

Ariel pov -

I was getting irritated as fuck because Drea she hasn't called me to do the plan and that's what's pissing me off .

But little do she know I want both of them dead she mine and only mine no one else's so she need to back off before she dies .

She thinks we really doing this together but really when I walk into the warehouse I'ma take her to this other ware house snd I'ma shoot her in her head and then I'ma hurt kaleia .

And she wants see it coming it's gone be like a kill spree ready to happen I want someone to try me I say pointing the gun to some random man outside causing him to run .


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(They should just give up on this kill because it's taking to fucking long for both of them to do it like Ariel you call her scary but you ain't did shit either but put her in the hospital she ain't dead?)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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