Kelsey and miles steptember 5 , 2002

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Kelsey winslow met miles vickers after a climb she went on after her ranger days miles asked her to marry him a year later she said no at first then changed her mind she chose chad to walk her down the ilse and miles chose his best friend Jay to be his best man Kelsey 's dress was solid white she didn't want a Vail she wore her brown hair in a bun with a butterfly Japanese pin her something old was her grandmother's necklace her something borrowed was a bracelet from chad's girlfriend sophia her something blue was a diamond ring given to her by her grandmother chad came into the room and asked are you ready the wedding was going to be on the ship where they worked for a year being rangers Kelsey came down with chad looking at miles she knew this was the first day of the rest of her life Kelsey held on to her bouquet until she reached dana then handed it to her and joined hands with miles miles said I fell more in love with you watching you come down that ilse you are everything good in me kels I love you forever I will love you forever I vow today before god . our family and our friends I vow to love you forever I vow to be the man in your life forever to be the safe place you can go Kelsey said I vow to you today to be your forever to be the woman in your life forever I love you so much miles I didn't think when I met you this would be where we would end up here with our friends and family vowing before god to love each other forever miles said baby I knew i felt it in my heart Kelsey said until death do we part my love miles said until death do we part carter said now that the vows have been given the rings dana and Jay gave miles and kelsey thier rings her ring was a yellow gold band while his was a simple golden band Kelsey said with this ring I thee wed miles said with this ring i thee wed carter asked Kelsey do you take this man to be your husband Kelsey said I do carter asked miles do you take this woman to be your wife miles said I do carter said i guess there is one thing left to do you two by the power vested in me since this is my father in law's ship I now say you two are married

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