shayla and merrick october 3, 2002

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Merrick baliton felt like he had lived without shayla princess of the annamarium long enough he asked her to come to his room above willie's where he had been staying and helping him with the upkeep merrick told her I've lived without you for thousands of years no more she chose Taylor and Alyssa for her bridesmaids while merrick chose Cole as his best man merrick wore his ranger jacket and dress slacks while shayla wore her white dress and no vail since she had her flower tiara Danny walked her down the isle max had agreed to marry the couple merrick told Cole she looks gorgeous shayla joined hands with merrick at the entryway of the annamarium merrick said I mean every word I say to you today I vow to protect you from this day forward to make you happy and safe for however long we have left you shayla are my life shayla said I love you so much merrick you have been the love of my life forever and our forever is now merrick you guarded me now I give you my heart to guard for the rest of our days shayla said you are my world merrick said you have been mine since the day we met until death do we part shayla said until death do we part my love max said now that the vows have been given the rings Alyssa and Cole gave merrick and shayla the rings merrick said with this ring I give you my soul my heart and I thee wed shayla said with this ring I vow forever and I thee wed max said I finally now say you two are husband and wife merrick said I get to kiss my pretty bride shayla said of course my wolf 

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