blake and chloe may 13, 2010

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Chloe forbes and blake Bradley former blue ranger had fallen in love blake had watched his first love Tori marry cam wantanbe 5 years ago he had met chloe after that in 2008 blake asked chloe to marry him on his birthday in 2009 chloe accepted and blake wanted to marry chloe in the forbes family home chloe and blake had already had a 2 month old son Auggie so he wanted everything to be perfect chloe was the younger sister of caroline forbes chloe had blonde hair just like her big sister chloe chose her to be her matron of honor while blake chose his brother hunter to be his best man chloe 's dress was white with a navy blue trim her blonde hair was in a bun with a tiara she didn't want to wear a vail caroline didn't on her big day blake wore a tuxedo with a white shirt and navy blue tie chloe had been nervous but couldn't wait for her big day caroline's husband klaus walked chloe down the isle blake smiled he had found the family he dreamed of as a little boy with chloe and Auggie chloe gave her sister her bouquet and joined hands with blake the pastor said lets begin chloe said when I met you at your race I didn't know what to expect but even then I knew you would be in my heart forever then you told me you loved me I have three of the happiest days of my life and they all involve you that day , the day we were blessed with auggie and today when we make our love official blake said I stood where my brother is now 6 years ago wondering if my one was out there but that day I met you I found my one we have made a family in the short time we have been in each other's world you are my rock , my soul the mother of my son but most importantly the love of my life I stand here before god and our friends in the home where you made so many of your pre us memories to say that I vow to be your champion , the one beside you in your good times and the one at your side in the bad chloe said I will love you until our forever runs out blake Daniel Bradley you brought out the best in me my life changed the day I met you in my life I was blessed to say I met you and then we became a family the pastor said now that the vows have been given the rings caroline and hunter gave blake and chloe thier rings blake said with this ring I thee wed chloe said with this ring I thee wed the pastor said by the power vested in me by the state of virgina I now declare you two husband and wife 

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