Rocky And Kat May 27, 1996

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Rocky De Santos had been the red ranger and now the blue zeo ranger Kat and Rocky had only been dating a few months when he decided he wanted to marry her they hadn't finished high school yet Rocky knew he wanted Kat for the rest of his life Kat said yes and the small wedding would happen in a little cottage in Australia Kat's home country with a party for their friends once the newlyweds returned to Angel Grove Rocky did select Adam as his best man and Tanya came along as Kat's maid of honor Kat's dress was solid light pink like her ninjetti costume her vail was white with a baby blue trim Rocky chose a blue suit with white tie and shirt Kat and Rocky wrote thier own vows to each other duclea agreed to marry the couple Rocky said I knew when I held you as a cat I knew you were meant to be in my life forever when I was red I though it was just you being my pink ranger but my feelings started changing for you and you became my life very fast I love you Katherine Nicole hilliard you are my world my heart and everything I will ever have and do it's because of you Kat wanted to cry at his vows Kat said when I first met you I saw us being friends and protectors of the world but then I started to fall in love with you and with that I knew it wasn't Tommy I wanted or being evil like Rita wanted me to be it was being at your side being your everything because you were becoming mine as fast as I could catch up to my heart I wanted to be at your side in everything in love, and in battle I will love you for the rest of my life Rocky smiled at his bride Rocky then said I love you too so much Adam knew Kat and Rocky were in love with each other not since Jason and Trini's wedding had he believed in love Adam and Tanya gave Kat and Rocky thier rings Kat's was a gold band with red and pink diamonds Rocky's was a traditional gold band with a blue strip in between Rocky put Kat's ring on her finger and said with this ring I wed Kat places Rocky's ring on his finger and said with this ring I thee wed ducela said by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife after thier flight back to angel Grove Kat and Rocky 's marriage was celebrated at the juice bar with a reception Rocky gave a speech about his new bride

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