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              𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐠𝐞, Maeve Shelby absolutely adored her father. She looked up to him in every way possible and had him on a pedestal that was taller than her. Nobody knew why she admired him so much, other than the fact Arthur was her father. Maeve was all but five when she began following him around like a lost puppy. She'd beg to join him and her uncles down at the Garrison, just so she could be apart of the fun.

Polly remembered the day that Arthur took Maeve down to the cut and Maeve refused to shut up about it for at least week. She had to admit, it was nice that Arthur had somebody that loved him the way his daughter did. Because nobody else would ever care for Arthur half as much.

As Maeve grew older, it was impossible to deny the fact she had grown extremely protective of, not only the Shelby name, but her fathers especially. During the war, she got into countless fights all because boys would take the piss out of him. Your dad's a bastard, your dads a drunk, it'll be a shame if you end up like your dad. Before the war, John had told the girl many times to not take shit from anyone. But he didn't mean get into fights.

But Maeve wouldn't stand for any negative word against Arthur. She'd go to the end of the world for her dad. She'd go as far as killing for him. After all, she was all he had.


"Dad," Maeve whispered, stood at the edge of Arthur's bed. Arthur remained asleep. "Dad!" She hissed, shaking him lightly. Arthur stirred slightly.

"What is it my girl?" He replied, his eyes still shut. Maeve leaned up on her tip toes and a grin spread across her lips, "has Father Christmas been yet?" she asked. Arthur took a deep breath and groaned. "No..no he hasn't. Go back to bed."

She could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"But I can't sleep!" She exclaimed. Arthur finally opened his eyes and faced her. "How about this," he began, "you go back to bed and after we open presents, i'll take you down to the stables, eh? How does that sound."

Maeve squealed with excitement but Arthur was quick to shush her. "Ya Aunt Pol and them are still asleep- come on," he ushered, moving up and pulling the white sheet back. Maeve climbed in beside her father and held the sheets close to her. "Do you think he brought me presents?"

"Well, av you been good?"

"Mostly," She whispered. Arthur raised an eyebrow although she couldn't see him in the dark room. "A while ago i took Uncle Tom's cigarettes and sold them to Max Montgomery so i could buy some sweets from the shops," she admitted.

"And why don't I know about this?" Arthur asked. Maeve thought for a moment, "because Uncle Tom didn't find out."

Arthur refrained from smiling at her actions because although, deep down, he was proud that she'd already began acting like a true Shelby, he didn't want her to start getting up to bad stuff.

"Well..if Tom doesn't know, neither does Santa." Arthur assured her. Maeve hummed and closed her eyes, wanting the sun to rise so that she could go downstairs with her father and open the presents that she'd no doubt love no matter what.

Some time passed, at least an hour and Maeve couldn't take it anymore, she couldn't sleep. "Are you awake?" she whispered again. Arthur's eyes shot open and he grunted. "What now?"

"I can't sleep. Really can't sleep. Can I go wake Ada, she'll probably make me some tea and i'll wait for everyone." Maeve offered. Arthur chuckled and sat, subbing his eyes. "No it's alright, you've waited long enough come on." Arthur reached out, picking up his daughter and taking her down the stairs.

Maeve bit her lip in excitement when Arthur placed her down on the sofa. "Right, you wait here an i'll go get everyone else. Do not touch a thing." He pointed, disappearing to go wake the rest of the family.

It was pitch black outside but neither of them cared. Arthur didn't care because he'd seen how happy Christmas was making his child and that's all he's ever wanted. Her to be happy.

As a young child, Maeve exclaimed that to be the best Christmas ever. But little did the Shelby family know that would be one of the last for a long while. One of the last where the sparkle of happiness in their eyes was genuine, one of the last that Maeve would be excited about.

Because only a few years later would the men be sent away to fight in France. And they wouldn't return for another five years.

And as you can imagine, it absolutely broke Maeve's heart to know that the day her father would leave on a train, could be the last time she would see him.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 ᵖᵉᵃᵏʸ ᵇˡⁱⁿᵈᵉʳˢWhere stories live. Discover now