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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔𝟓

𝐓𝐖: mention of
drug use/almost overdose

To say Maeve Shelby was a good person would be beyond a lie. She knew it, Arthur knew to. Everybody who ever had contact with her knew it. But people tended to dismiss her behaviour and put it down to the fact she was clearly not mentally well.

Which of course was no excuse. Maeve herself knew how terrible she was. And she hated herself for it.

Over the years, Maeve found herself destroying everything around her solely for the fact she couldn't accept the help given to her. Also because she wasn't being given the correct help.

Every time Arthur looked at his daughter, it was like he was looking down into a dirty puddle and his reflection was staring back at him. He truly believed that Maeve was the way she was because of him. Him and his ways. Children do adapt to their surroundings, don't they? It's just unfortunate Maeve adapted to her father's.

But it wasn't just Arthur who was to blame. No, Tommy was the one who taught her that hurting people was okay. He seemed to be the leader of it all.

Maeve would often think how different her life would be if her mother hadn't abandoned her and instead kept her at her side, under her comfort. If she had stayed in America and married Jonathan, if she had done what John had and withdrew her position the day she almost died at the hands of the Changretta's — if she had never survived any of it.

Maeve stood with the phone at her ear, listening to the rings torment her. Finally, a voice answered. "Hello?" Jonathon asked. Maeve took a breath. "Jonathan." She said shakily, "i'm sorry." She muttered. "I'm so sorry." She continued.

Jonathon frowned and took a seat. "Maeve? Is everything alright?" He asked. Maeve struggled to hold the phone. "I can't marry you. You deserve somebody who will treat you just as good as you treat them. I can't do that for you. You don't deserve to be dragged into this life." She admitted.

"What— Maeve what has brought this on?" Jonathon asked with a hurry. Maeve felt her eyes burn and she swallowed the lump in her throat. "I'm sorry, Jonathon." Was all that she said before hovering the phone back onto the stand, hearing his pleads on the other side before finally placing it down.

All of this, of course, had sent Maeve spiralling. As well as the fact she'd almost killed Linda and Max had returned.

Maeve's chest burned with guilt and she pressed her palms into her eyes. Was this a good idea? Maybe marrying him would have been her final escape.

Her heart was beating rapidly and her hands were shaking. She walked around the drawers beside the bed and began rooting through them. Frustration grew within her as she began emptying the contents angrily.

And this was when she stopped thinking. She stopped considering what was good for her. And all the progress she'd made over the years disappeared within a matter of moments.

So there she stood, shakily making her way down the stairs in Arrow House. Her vision was slightly blurred and her forehead was sweaty. Maeve's ginger hair was no longer neat but instead messily resting on her back. She muttered words to herself as she tried to make her way down the steps.

The lights were burning her eyes and she could still hear the light chatter of the remaining guests.

Maeve gripped onto the bannister and felt her knees grow weak. "Dad?" She whispered, finally making it down the stairs and toward the drawing room. Her mouth was dry and her heart was pounding.

She twisted the door handle and pushed open the door, all heads turning to her.

"Maeve? Ya alright?" John asked with concern in his voice. He leaned forward in her chair and they all watched as she swayed slightly, her face pale. "Maeve, love— what's happened?" Polly placed down her champagne and slowly approached the girl.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 ᵖᵉᵃᵏʸ ᵇˡⁱⁿᵈᵉʳˢWhere stories live. Discover now