Chapter One: A Plane Crash to Japan, And A Museum With A Kirby Fangirl

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(we then fade to the plane ride. Kirby has seemingly won the same Smash Bros. fight from the prologue as he celebrates his victory)

Kirby: Yes! Whew... maybe these Smash Bros. lessons can really come in handy with game sessions like this.

(On the other hand, Cheyenne was listening to her music, and singing along, too)

I am an American girl!
Hot blooded and I'm ready to go!
I'm loving taking over the world!
Hot blooded, all American girl! (woah, oh-oh)
I was raised by a television!
Every day is a competition!
Put the key in my ignition! (oh-way-oh)

(then, the PA turns on. Cheyenne and Kirby both stop doing there things as they put away their devices)

Female pilot voice: Attention all passengers! We're coming very close to Japan, but just a little warning that bad weather might be coming. (everyone in the plane panicked and screamed and ran around)  Please, don't panic, it will only be for a short while and our plane is safe! (everyone stopped) Thank you and have a nice trip. (the PA turns off)

Kirby: Bad weather? Like those turbulent winds and heavy rain?

Cheyenne: Well, planes are usually meant to fly in all kinds of weather, but when it comes to turbulent winds, things can go flying into the plane, and if it's something very heavy, it can total that plane and we will have to practice safety measures.

(unfortunately though, as they almost got near Japan... some heavy rain occurred, but it didn't do much damage to it other than the raindrops)

Cheyenne: Oh... I was right.

Kirby: But why isn't there much damage though.

(but... the turbulent winds with all the debris flying out suddenly appeared)

Kirby: Uh oh...

(suddenly, a big piece of debris hits the plane wing, damaging it and causing the plane to go down and be set on fire. Everyone began to panic. There WAS bad weather after all!)

Elline (Kirby and the Rainbow Curse): OMG! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!

Nago (one of Kirby's animal friends from the Dark Matter trilogy): (screeches like a cat) THE PLANE IS GOING DOWN!

Broom Hatter (one of the Kirby enemies): SOMEBODY HELP US!

Meta Knight: Everybody please stay calm!

Cheyenne: Yep! Told you that was gonna happen!

Kirby:  But what do we do?! We can't leave everyone there! Someone could get injured or worse, killed!

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