Chapter 6: More New Faces and Kensuke's True Intentions

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(as they ran out to find the source, it was a huge rainbow gas flooding and being followed with a rainbow line)

Cheyenne: Wait a minute... a spray of rainbows? And is that... a rainbow line?

Kirby: (gasps since he saw something more shocking) Are those... our friends?!

(the vehicles then stopped and the spacecrafts landed as they ran back, even Jobski and Doc went onto lower level. But the problem was, though... Elline was getting extremely tired as the rainbow lines disappeared and she slowly started turning grayish, but differently when Dark Crafter stole all of Dream Land's colors in her adventure back at 2015. She then was too unstable and passed out)

Claycia: (gasps as she sees Elline black out) ELLINE!

Ribbon: Elline! Are you okay?!

Elline: (weakly) I'm... (coughs) fine... Too... much pressure... It hurts... (faints again before Gaia and the other Sprixie Princesses fly up to help her)

Gaia: Don't worry, she'll be okay, she just needs to recharge so she can paint again.

Adeleine: Oh, poor Elline... She drew too much lines.

Stella: Hey, don't worry about that. What matters is that we have to carry her to the museum and give her some rest.

Adeleine: (sighs) Okay...

(so they got off their vehicles and went off to the museum. There, they saw so many different souvenirs and antiques from video games)

Tuff/Bun: Wow... this is super cool!

Tiff/Fumu: Uh... yeah... (sheepishly) Now that did you said it, Tuff, it does look kind of nice.

(as they wondered around, they found the same door that lead Cheyenne and Kirby to the Hoshino apartment)

Taranza (Kirby: Triple Deluxe): Okay, this place actually creeped me out, but we should probably go in!

Susie Haltmann: Ah, ah, ah, Taranza. We knock first.

(inside the apartment)

Susie Haltmann: (knocks on the door)

Cheyenne: Huh? Who could it be?

(she walked over then opened the door and found it was all their allies, with new faces as the Sprixies were holding an unconscious Elline)

Kirby: (gasps) Guys! You came just in time!

Crystal: We sure did. (everyone went inside)

Ness: (gasps as he notices King Dedede is here as well as Luigi) Dedede?

Dedede: Oh! Ness, Luigi, is that youse two?!

Luigi: We haven't seen you in so long! (runs over to Dedede as he hugs him as well as Ness)

Dedede: I've missed y'all so much! Did y'all remember that we had to save everyone in the Subspace, and I had those badges to keep ya'll from being trophified?!

Ness: Uh... well, yeah... I remember it like it was yesterday.

Kirby: Wait, how did you all get here?

Gaia: Oh, we helped them with making our rainbow vehicles to guide them. But along the way, one of your old pals, Elline, was extremely exhausted because she contributed too by drawing rainbow lines, but she drew too much and now she's extremely tired.

Kirby: What?!

Mama: Whoa! What is going on here? Mama wants to know!

Kirby: One of my old friends, Elline, is extremely tired and hurt. She once helped me bring back all the colors at my old home Planet Popstar, and now she's passed out! Mama, please! She needs your help! Make her that rainbow parfait, her favorite food!

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