Chapter 54 - Rotten Mouth

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Chapter 54 - Rotten Mouth


As I was thinking of how to go about telling her with tact, the Tenant suddenly interrupted me.

"Stop. I know how despicable and vile your real personality is. However, I remember to have told you to keep your hands off Jorah. Still! You went ahead and... surely..."

Hey! That's really mean, alright?! Me doing something to Jorah? She is like a little sister to me! This woman, she is already getting too ahead of herself!

If you wish to scold me for my mistakes, then I would listen calmly, however... to dare slander those important to me..!

"W-What?!! Hey, stop dragging Jorah into all of this, alright? She has nothing to do with any of these things! She is just a pure little kid... also, she is just like a little sister to me. Don't you go around badmouthing her around me, alright?!"

The Tenant didn't seem to be very affected by my words, as she coldly smirked and narrowed her eyes, looking at me with an uncomfortable gaze, as she spoke to me,

"Me? Badmouthing Jorah?? You insane... bitch!! After moving your hips too much, have you finally lost even your darn mind?! I know what kind of girl Jorah is. For your kind information, I have been living here far longer than you. And, I was living so happily as well... until the day YOU arrived..."

There was a lot of venom in her address towards me and my arrival at this house. I wonder what I did to hurt her that badly. I can't remember anything in particular though, since the number of interactions I had with the Tenant could be counted on the fingers of my one hand.

Still, it looks like she was very inconvenienced by my arrival here. However, no matter how I may have hurt her or done something to make her spite me so badly, I cannot simply just keep on accommodating myself for the sake of others' feelings. I have the right to be happy along with the others too!

Ah, that reminds me... where are the others? I didn't see them on the way here. Even when this Tenant created such a big commotion, no one else came to enquire at all. If there was someone in the house, then there would have been someone enquiring about it, especially the twins. I really don't know why I am hated by them though.

My anger towards the Tenant suddenly vanished into thin air, as I worriedly asked the Tenant about it.

"Hey, that reminds me, where are the other girls? They should all have returned back from their schools, right?"

However, the Tenant didn't seem to share the same concerns as mine and absolutely refused to cooperate with me as she scolded me,

"Hmph! Why are you asking me about it? And, you actually think that I would tell you anything regarding that? Hah! Dream on, bitch!"

Just why is this girl's mouth full of abuse? Does she take toxic wastes for brushing materials? Oh, wait. That's disgusting as hell...

Damn you, Carene. Don't think about such vulgar stuff. I am a woman already! I must lose those bad habits of mine from my earlier gender soon.

Before I could think any further about it, my phone began to vibrate a few times.

*SFX: Ring~ Ring~*

I wonder who is it at this time. Not many people know about this number. Nor do I have an extensive group of friends around me. The only ones who know about my number are just Isla, Sis Lin, and Celesta. Ever since Celesta bought this phone for me, I have cherished it a lot and used it sparingly.

But, other than those three, could it really be someone else?

Deeply wondering over it, I ignored the weird Tenant and took out my phone to look at it.

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