England: What the bloody hell am I doing in his box?
Enzi: Silly Iggy~ The only box you're in is your head. Because you're a square!
England: That wasn't very nice Love.....
America: That was an amazing joke dudette!
Enzi: Thanks America!
Italy: Germany! I want to go see the pretty bella!
Germany: Nien...not right now
Romano: Get away from my damn brother you potato bastard! *Loads his basket of tomatoes ready to throw*
Spain: Aw! Come on Roma! Don't be mean! I think you need a spell!
Romano: I don't need a fucking-
Spain: Fusososososo~ Fusososososososo~
England: What the bloody hell is going on here?! Flying mint bunny and I's conversations make more sense than this!
Spain: Hey England.......I want my armada back.....
France: Oui....and I want Jon of Arc back....
Prussia: And I want my awesomeness back! Oh wait, the only one that can ever have it is me!! Keseseseses!
England: Bloody hell! The whole bad touch trio is after me
Enzi: *ignores England being beat up in the back ground* Have you ever wanted to ask a nation a question? If you have then I'm putting you in a mental hospital because land can't talk to you. It would be you screaming at the ground trying to get a response....
Japan: Miss. Enzi.....I think they are all here for Hetalia....
Enzi: I know I know.....come ask your questions for these lovely nations! *looks behind here and sighs* France! You can't make Iggy sign the calendar! *turns back to you* step right up! *whispers* All request are open...you can make them do anything....
Japan: I don't think they'll like that...
Enzi: I don't care! Just come out and have fun!*smiles but then gets pulled back by the nations*
Russia: You'll become one with mother Russia, Da?

Ask A Nation!~Hetalia~
FanfictionEngland: What the bloody hell am I doing in his box? Enzi: Silly Iggy~ The only box you're in is your head. Because you're a square! England: Enzi: England: Enzi: England: That wasn't very nice Love..... America: That was an amazing joke dudette! En...