The sadness of France :'(

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Enzi: aww....this ones kinda sad.....wildeolf55220 said, " France I need to ask you something....Do you feel bad when people forget about Canada?...and I also wanna ask you, Does it hurt when people call you a pervert?" Personally I love France's character. I don't think he's a perv...he's misunderstood. 

France: That's very sweet mer the first one...I do get upset when people forget about my mattie...He's so sweet and he deserves to be noticed. Plus he could help get his brother back in shape.

Canada:*smiles and runs to france and hugs him* thanks papa....

France: *smiles and looks to Canada and nods* no problem mattie...

Canada: *moves away from france and smiles*

Enzi: So sweet....

France: And to answer your second does hurt....I don't want to be prevented....and I really aren't.....I'm trying to show my passion and care for the countries....On valentines day I send everyone a rose anonymously......every country....((personal headcannon of mine that I love X3))

Enzi: sweet....I could hug you....

france: will you?*smiles*

Enzi: I need a shower so no......

France: oh should take a shower...

Enzi: I know....

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