France x America?

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Enzi: Okay. This next questions for eyebrows!

England: why are you so mean to me?

Enzi: *Shrugs* so this one said "England! What do you think about the France x America ships?" And its from ShelbyAnime!

England: The frog....with the boger?

Enzi: Yup!

England: Well if it gets them out of my hair I'm all for it.

Enzi: *smirks* I can see through that're jealous! You want both of them to yourself! *laughs*

England: Hey! That's not true! They both annoy me and if they want to play then I can do important stuff.

Enzi: Like what? Play with flying mint bunny?


Enzi: *laughs more* You are so pathetic!

England: no really. Why are you so mean to me.

Enzi: I don't like the eyebrows. Now! Next question!

England: Wait, what did you say?

Enzi: Next Question!

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