Coffee shop crush

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Pairing: Marshall Mathers x Shy female reader

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Pairing: Marshall Mathers x Shy female reader

description: Marshall is your coffee shop crush, but he's so different from you, you always see him with his loud friend group.

Warnings: fluff


It was Saturday morning, you had a quiet day today that you started in your favorite coffee place, you sat at a table in the corner with your favorite coffee.

You didn't just come to this coffee place because it was quiet and good coffee, no, whenever you were here you saw a group of guys with baggy clothes.

I think the boys were freestylers, one always caught your attention. And not only because he was the only white boy in the group but also because he was beautiful and he always made eye contact with you.

Did you have a little crush on him? Yes, certainly, but are you going to talk to him? Absolutely not.

You were way too scared of him, or you were more scared of his group he was always in. They were always so loud and busy.

But there is nothing wrong with watching him from a distance, you already noticed that his name is Marshall. You always heard some of his friends say that.

Today you were quietly reading your book, until the coffee shop bell rang when someone opened the door.

Your attention turned to the door and you saw who came in, and yes it was the boys.

You also saw Marshall come in, he was laughing with his friends, you laughed as you looked at them. It seemed like such a cool group of friends.

You then saw his eyes go to you, you quickly looked away from him, your eyes back on your book, and you hoped he didn't see you peeking.

You heard the café owner say, "Guys, can it be a little quieter, it's still morning, people still have to wake up," the basin said, kindly.

You thought she was right, they were busy but they were having fun, so did it really matter? Your eyes went back to Marshall when you heard him say something.

"I'm sorry miss" he said to the basin, you felt butterflies in your stomach just hearing his voice.

He turned his head towards you, you quickly looked away from him again so you didn't look like a creep.

"Isn't that ya little Crush?" You heard one of the boys say, you looked up to see who they were talking about, but you blushed a little when you saw that all their eyes were on you.

You pretended to be looking behind them and then turned back to your book.

You heard Marshall groaned "mannn, she fucking heard that, why you always gotta be so loud" you heard him say in a sawing tone.

Was what you heard real? Were they talking about you? You looked around to see if there was someone else it was talking about, maybe someone behind you.

You looked behind you, no one. For you, no one. Besides you, no one.

But they weren't talking about you, that's impossible. It's not possible that the most beautiful boy in town, dare I say, in the world, likes you.

"Get your ass over there and talk to her" said one of the friends. Your eyes didn't leave your book, but you weren't reading the words of your book at all either.

Was Marshall really going to come here? If he does, what should you say? What if when he talks to you, he suddenly doesn't like you? What if he thought you were prettier but when he gets closer he doesn't think you're beautiful?

You saw him coming towards you, you panicked. You took your things and wanted to leave, but when you got up your book fell.

Damn, you thought. You wanted to pick up your book, but someone beat you to it. You saw a hand pick up the book and when you looked up you saw Marshall, with his short blonde hair.

"Your book fell" he said as he handed you the book, no shit, you really didn't realize that. "Thank you" you said and turned to leave.

But Marshall took your arm and stopped you from leaving. "Why in such a hurry? You haven't even finished your coffee yet" he said, you turned around and his eyes were focused on your half full coffee cup on the table.

"Uhm" you didn't really know what to say, you were afraid of saying something wrong, but saying nothing is just as bad.

"I don't have much time," you said, lying, you had all the time in the world.

"Are you okay?" He asked, you gave him a confused look.

"Your hands are shaking" he said, you looked at your hands, they were indeed shaking. God this is so embarrassing.

"Oh um" what were you supposed to say? That you have such a crush on him that you can't even talk to him, that you were too afraid that he would think you were weird.

"Are you afraid of something?" He said. "Can a hug help? I can give you a hug" he suddenly said, which took your attention.

You looked at him and saw his worried look, if he didn't like you then he wouldn't offer a hug, right?

He sighed, you don't know why? Was he bored? Were you boring him?

You saw him open his arms "Come here, girl" he said, but not in an obligatory way, he said it in a soft way.

You then decided to just go along with the moment and you gave him a hug, you felt him put his arms around your shoulders.

"Relax" you heard him say. Why was he so sweet? He didn't know you. And why did this hug feel so damn good.

You then broke the hug and your eyes looked straight into his eyes. He had a smile on his face "are you feeling better?" He asked, you nodded "Yeah" and that brought an even bigger smile to his face.

"Damnn Marshall got rizz" you heard one of his friends shout through the coffee shop. Marshall rolled his eyes and turned his head towards them.

"Shut your ugly ass mouth" he shouted back and turned back to you. He still had a smile on his face. "Ignore them" he said to me when he saw your eyes on his friends.

You looked back at him. "By the way, I'm Marshall" he said as he held out his hand and you took his hand and shook it.

"Y/n" you said, still a little shy and your cheeks were probably still red.

"Y/n? I love that name" he said charmingly with a smile. He took his phone and gave it to you "may I have your number?" He asked.

You nodded and took his phone and entered your number. "Aight, thank you" he said.

"I'll call you sometime" he said with a wink. "Nice to meet you" you said again, a little more confident around him.

He gave you a nod "yeah me too" he said and he quietly walked away, he turned around and said with a playfully smirk "please answer when I call you" and with that he went back to his friends.

Oh sure you will.

for everyone, feel free to make requests, I'm happy to fulfill them.

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