Hailie's teacher

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Pairing: Marshall Mathers x teacher female reader

description: Hailie is a student from your class. (Hailie is in primary school)

Warnings: not really I think

"So don't forget that this evening is parent meeting" you said as the kids from your class walked out.

When everyone was outside you sat down and ate some pasta that you had brought with you. Since you were having parent contacts, you no longer had time to go around the house.

You opened your computer and opened a file of the student whose parent you will see shortly.

Hailie jade, you thought she was a nice girl for your class. She was quiet and often daydreamed, but she did her job well so that's what mattered.

Only her father, Marshall, came to the parent meeting. You don't know where the mother is and it's not your business either.

Even though you notice that Hailie only makes drawings of her and her father, which you find strange because you also hear her talk about her mother.

You looked carefully at her file and prepared for the conversation. After a while you heard a knock on the door.

You walked to the door and opened it and saw Hailie her father. "Hello" you said and shook his hand. "Come in," you said.

You walked to your desk and sat down. Marshall sat in the chair over you.

"So..how is Hailie doing in school?" he asked the moment he sat down.

You smiled "yes she's doing really well, Uhm" you clicked a few grades of hers on the computer and turned the screen so he could watch.

"So you see here she has great grades, only a c for math, but it's okay," you laughed.

"Does she need math tutoring?" Marshall then asked, "If we notice that it is really difficult, we will recommend tutoring," you said.

He nodded "okey" and then looked at the class photos hanging up.

"And Uhm...how does she do with other kids?" He asked.

"Yes she..she has a few friends she gets along with" you told him, he nodded.

You noticed that he hadn't had a single smile or even a single change in facial expression since he'd been inside.

Then you thought about Hailie's mother, could that be the reason why he looks so sad. It's none of your business but "what about Hailie's mother?" Then you asked.

He looked you straight in the eye the moment you mentioned the mother. "What about her?" He asked.

"Well I notice that when Hailie draws pictures of the family...the mother is never in them" I said.

"It's a difficult situation," he would say, looking at the ground. "Is Hailie in contact with her mother?" You asked then, you didn't know how far you could go with questions.

"Yes, sometimes...it's complicated" he said curtly, since you noticed that he didn't really answer clearly, you interpreted that as him not wanting to talk about it.

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