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Pairing: Marshall Mathers x female reader

description: Both you and Marshall are in the same cell in prison

Warnings: drugs, angst

You never expected yourself to be in jail. You sat nervously on the dirty bench there. Your leg was shaking from anxiety.

There were two other unknown women sitting next to you but they turned their backs to you, clearly not wanting any contact.

You think the reason why you are sitting here was stupid, you and your friends had the idea to plan a party, but without a permit.

You had organized a festival on a random domain, a lot of people were there, even celebrities.

But you got caught. Your friends are super rich so they were immediately released with a deposit, but you didn't came from a rich family, you didn't have a lot of money.

So now you were sitting here waiting until you can leave again, if that ever happens.

You then heard noises coming from the hallway. Then you saw a female police officer holding a boy with short bleached hair.

"Damn girl, you don't gotta handle me so hard..jeez do you treat your man like that in the bedroom too?" He asked, damn how can he get away with such an attitude, you were thinking.

The police officer opened the door of the cell you were in and pushed the boy in.

"You really need a good fuck" he said and you saw him wink at her.

Then he turned and looked at you and the other two girls in the cell. "Doesn't feel like I'm in jail to me" he said and you saw his smirk.

Since the other girls separated themselves, he sat next to you.

He didn't say anything but he looked at you, you looked at him and now that you saw him up close he looked familiar to you.

Then it hit you "omg you are" you started but he cut you off "yeah" he said, he was so confident.

You were a bit in shock but you were still stressed about being in jail.

You pulled yourself together and asked "so Uhm...why are you in here?" You asked, not that it was any of your business but you wanted to start a conversation.

"I was at an illegal party and they caught me with drugs" he said then he looked straight into your eyes "you?" He asked.

"I trow the illegal party" you said, your eyes facing the dirty floor.

"Oh you were the organizer?" He asked, you could tell he was interested.

"Yes and..other people" you said, thinking about your friends.

"And where are those other people now?" He asked, because you were already sitting here alone and those two girls were separating themselves too much to be your friends.

"Aren't they caught?" He asked.

You nodded "yes, but they are rich so they paid them off" you said.

" they abandoned you?" He asked. "You can say that" you said, now that you thought about it it actually made you angry.

"But why are you still here? I mean you are very rich" you said, you were aware that he used to be very poor but not anymore.

"Yes, but the person I called didn't answer so...I guess I'll be here for a while," he said. You nodded, you didn't know how long you were going to sit here.

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