🏳️‍🌈Welp, They Were Gay. 🏳️‍🌈

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Johnny woke up with a sharp pain in his head. He rubbed his eyes, and slowly sat up groaning lightly. But he felt something holding him down. He moved the blanket and saw someone's arm around him and well.. No clothes on him.

He looked behind him and saw Dally and Pony behind him, Dally's arm around him. He moved the blankets a bit more and, oh god- Why did none of them have clothes on?- He quickly got a very bright red blush spread across his face and covered them back up with the blanket. He kept thinking two sentences. "We should've listened to Darry," and "What the hell happened?"

He just slowly slipped out of Dally's arms and looked around the room for his clothes. Now that he thought of it, where were they? He couldn't really remember anything from last night. He knew Darry told them not to drink, and to be back by, 3 am was it? He wasn't sure now. But other than that, most of the night was a blur.

It was a strange feeling to wake up completely naked in bed with your two best friends and have to search for your clothes on the floor, and combined with a massive hangover, it was a terrible way to start the morning if you asked him. Soon he got his bottoms on and heard someone else waking up. Well, guess he'd have to explain the situation- He stood up and saw Pony starting to slowly sit up. "Morning Pony..."

"Huh..? God, what happened..? And why does my head hurt so much-.."

"I'm guessing we didn't listen to Darry.. You know how he's always right..-" He groaned and just threw his clothes he had found scattered on the floor. "You might wanna get those on."

Pony looked very confused then realized him and Dally were completely naked.

"Before you ask, I don't know what happened." Johnny sighed and just laid down. Probably a hangover. He'd never had one before but Two-Bit and Dally complained about them a lot.

Pony just nodded and got dressed. "So... What do we do now..? We can't just leave and get yelled at by Darry.. Especially not if we get home without Dally.. And we smell terrible-"

"We could try and wake up Dally I guess.. And I know we smell terrible, but we can't really change.. We don't have any extra clothes, and coming home in clothes that aren't ours would be even worse.."

"What do we even say to Dally? Neither of us even remember anything from last night-.." Pony hit his head a couple times trying to remember anything and trying to forget the throbbing from the hangover.

Johnny shrugged then just stood up slowly. "You know we can't risk gettin' jumped.. Not like this.. We gotta get Dally to wake up and drive us home.." He said and just slowly shook Dally to wake him up.

Dally peaked his eyes open and saw Johnny still trying to shake him awake. Dally sat up and noticed his clothes scattered around the room, the realization hit that he was unclothed under the covers. He tried to remember last night, due to the fact that he drank the LEAST amount of alcohol out of the three of them.

"Dally.. We need to get back to Pony's place.. Something happened last night, but me and Pony can't remember a thing.. Can you help..?" Johnny leaned on the bed, his leg being sore for some reason. He had a slight, yet very noticeable limp, and wasn't sure what from.

Dally knocks his head trying to remember last night.


|| ← (Sexy scene we don't feel like writing)


Dally blushed a bit and held his head in his hands. "Fuck..." He mumbled. "What did I get you two kids dragged into..." Dally looked at Johnny and immediately noticed the marks on his neck. "God dammit.. It could've been anyone but you two..."

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