Chapter 8

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"And Tsunami, this is your sister, the one who was stolen, isn't she gorgeous?" Queen Coral asked the sea-blue dragonet. "Uh-oh, maybe our SeaWing is not destined to be queen after all," Kinkajou whispered to Moon. Queen Coral then walked toward Tsunami slowly and began checking for any scars on Tsunami. That could have been me, I could have been the one with pearls and a throne and a mother who loved me, Anemone thought, Moon said all of mother's other daughters died! Anemone calmed down in a few seconds, and went to talk to Tsunami. "Hi, I'm Anemone," she said to the dragonet. "Hi," Tsunami said in a rumbly voice. ""Anemone' is a good name, Webs did one thing right," Coral pointed out, "where is he now? I have been planning his punishment for years!" "Please don't hurt Webs, he was the only one who was nice to us," Ostrich pleaded. "Who are you?" Coral asked the SandWing. Queen Coral raised her head and saw Umber. "Why is there a MudWing in my Summer palace?!" Queen Coral screamed. "I promise we're the dragonets of destiny," Anemone explained. "Ha," Shark chuckled at Umber. Coral calmed down. "Oh, I see that was the rumor," Queen Coral said, "dragonets of destiny, Queen Blister will be so interested to meet you." Coral glanced at the other four dragonets: Umber, Moon, Ostrich, and Kinkajou. "Put these four in the caves and set a guard," Coral said. The around three or more SeaWing guards began to charge for the four. "What? But we came here to be safe! Not to be prisoners!" Ostrich said. "Wait!" Anemone said. "Mother, I brought them here so you could protect us," Anemone said. "That's what I'm doing, dear, most of my dragons will attack if they see MudWings or unfamiliar SandWings," Coral said. "I guess that means no feast?" Umber asked. "Lagoon, make sure our guests are well fed, see, darling, we'll take good care of you all," Queen Coral said. "You don't have to tie them up, they'll go with you," Anemone said. "But- "Calm down, Kinkajou, you heard the queen, it's for your own safety," Anemone said. Please don't argue with me in front of my mother, Anemone prayed. "Fine," Kinkajou said, and walked off. Anemone watched as the four walked away with the SeaWing guards. It's better than the SkyWings palace, no one's forcing us to fight to the death, Anemone thought. "I'll be alright, I'll come join you soon," she said.

Wings Of Fire | #2 | The Lost Heir | Switched Dragonets AUWhere stories live. Discover now