Chapter 27

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The canopy hiding the Summer Palace began to make a huge hole, and more SkyWings came in and made it grow. "The SkyWings found us!" One of the SeaWing guards said. "But how?" The other asked. Then all the SeaWing tried dive towards the underwater tunnel. "There's too many of us trying to escape at once!" One SeaWing said. "Other than through the SkyWings," Another SeaWing said. Anemone shifted her eyes to the top, where there were SkyWings, then Shark, a long with other SeaWing soldiers went to the top, to fight the SkyWings, Anemone turned her head towards the guards. "Go! Defending the palace is more important than guarding prisoners!" Anemone screamed. The two SeaWing guards spread their wings and lifted off to the top of the canopy to fight the attacking SkyWings, Anemone shifted her eyes to Umber and the others. "Let's get Pike and Webs out," She said. The five quickly ran into the prison again, and Anemone switched the lever to turn off the water and Pike grabbed Webs and the two flew out and joined Anemone and the others. "Thank you, Anemone," Pike said. "Oh, The Dragonets Of Destiny specialize in dramatic rescues," Anemone joked. Anemone and the dragonets, a long with Pike and Webs, began to walk out the prison when Pike said something. "Wait, Anemone, I have to tell you something," Pike said. Anemone turned her head, wondering what. "I. . . I do work for The Talons Of Peace," Pike confessed. Anemone started at Pike in confusion, the first SeaWing she met, and first friend in her tribe, lied to her!
He lied to me. . . Anemone thought. "I'm sorry, I joined them to know more about Riptide's father," Pike said, "I stayed close to make sure you and the others were safe, I didn't think you'd trust me if you knew. . ."
Anemone glared at Pike. "You're right about that," She said. "Um, Anemone? Webs? Do we know this dragon?" Umber asked. Pike, Anemone, and Webs turned their heads to see what Umber was talking about, it was a female adult MudWing, she was large with brown scales and wings, and she had a horrible scar pulling down one corner of her mouth into a strange grimace. "I know her! She's with The Talons Of Peace, Crocodile! What are you doing here?" Webs asked the MudWing. "Poor Webs, so wrong in so many ways," Crocodile said. The MudWing then shifted her eyes to Anemone and her friends. "These are the brats The Talons Of Peace are so obsessed with?" Crocodile asked, "But the SkyWings want you back anyway."
"You're not working with the SkyWings!?" Webs exclaimed. "Of course I am, who knew infiltrating The Talons Of Peace would be so useful? I never dreamed I'd get a chance to follow an idiot SeaWing to the secret palace," Crocodile said, "Plus, bonus: Dragonets Of Destiny! The new queen will be so pleased."
Kinkajou then began to walk toward Crocodile. "Is Queen Scarlet really dead?" Kinkajou asked. "Nobody knows, nobody even knows what happened to her," Crocodile explained. "You're about to find out"
Suddenly Kinkajou snapped her mouth open and out came drops of venom going into Crocodile's eyes. "Waaaaarrrgh!" Crocodile screamed. The MudWig began to step back, but ended up falling to her death. "Let's go," Anemone whispered. "There's a huge crowd trying to get into the tunnel, we'll never get out that way," Moon said. Anemone turned her eyes all over to find a way out, and set her eyes on the canopy. "We'll go through the canopy," Anemone said. "I don't love that plan either," Moon said. Anemone glanced at the top of the canopy, there was a spot where there weren't any SkyWings near. "There! It's a clear area. . . It's our best shot," Anemone said. Umber, Kinkajou, Moon and Webs lifted into the air, going for the clear area, Anemone was about to lift off with Pike, when he stopped her. "I have to stay and help," Pike said. "But they'll put you back in prison!" Anemone worried. "Maybe, probably, but this is my home, I have to help fight for it," Pike said. Pike lowered his head for a moment, then turned it back up, Anemone wanted to say something, but she had to go, she smiled at Pike before leaving, and lifted into the sky. "Come on," Anemone said to Webs. When they got to the top, Blister was there, she suddenly grabbed Webs' tail and stabbed, the SeaWing screamed in pain, and Anemone tackled Blister so Webs could get away. "Owf" Blister grunted. Webs then began to fall but Anemone grabbed him right in time, and they flew off, with Blister's cold, glittering eyes glaring. 

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