The Amazing Digital Circus: Pilot

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Lights shine on a red curtain as a voice booms out like a ringmaster.

"Welcome to the Amazing Digital Circus!" A ringmaster with teeth for a face and eye balls inside speaks, "My name is Caine! I'm your ringmaster, and I'm here to show you the most jaw-dropping, heart-stopping, mind-bending paraphernalia you've ever laid your eyes upon!" the curtain opens to reveal a fun world of some kind, "Isn't that right, Bubble?" he takes off his hat and a bubble flies out.

"That's right, Caine! I can't wait to see what you've got cooking up for today."

"Well, let's not waste any time! Let's get right into the show!" he introduces the cast as they are shown one by one.

♪♪ Gangle and Zooble and Kinger too ♪♪

♪♪ Ragatha, Jax, and there's Kaufmo* ♪♪ (WOO HOO!)
♪♪ Day after day after- day after- day after day we fly ♪♪
♪♪ Past the moon and the sun and we don't know why! ♪♪

(*Disclaimer: Kaufmo the Clown did not show up today.)

Suddenly, two new characters poof in, one being a jester and the other being a pretty clown that looked like some kind of animatronic for a kid's pizzaria.

"W-W-Whe-Wh-Where am I?" the jester looks confused.

"What is this?" the clown looks at herself.

Freaked out by everything happening, the jester girl finds an exit and runs to it, only for it to disappear on her. She falls down and moves back to avoid a potted plant that gets stuck halfway through the ground in a glitch of some kind.

"You okay?" the clown tries to help her up, but the jester bumps into her, making the clown fall into Jax, who falls into Kinger, who falls into Gangle as their comedy mask breaks.

"Ouch..." the clown sits up before locking eyes with Jax, who stares at her with half-lidded eyes.


"Oh, sorry!" the two circles on the clown's cheeks spin as she immediately stands up, helping him up.

"Caine, are these two of your NPCs, or are they new suckers? 'Cause if it's two new characters, we're gonna have to redo this whole theme song." Jax forces a wide smile on his face.

Zooble has their arms crossed, "I'm not doing that again."

"My, my! It appears two new humans have entered this realm!" Caine announces.

The clown pulls on her pigtails before grabbing at her face, both feeling cold and solid, "Where are we? Did we die?!...Are we in the bad place?"

The jester pulls on her face, "How do I...take this...headset off?" she pulls at her lower eye lid.

"Just keep grabbing at it. That worked for all of us." Jax comments sarcastically.

The jester pulls at her mouth and nearly pulls her eye out as the clown pulls at her mouth as well, the body part accidentally falling off to reveal an endoskeleton with human-like teeth underneath as her eyes turn red.

"Aaaah!" the jester screams as her head boings back into shape, "Your mouth fell off!"

"Don't worry! I'm sure you can put it back!" Caine reassures.

The Amazing Digital Circus! (Welcome to the Family!)Where stories live. Discover now