Candy Carrier Chaos!

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"Welcome to the Amazing Digital Circus!" Caine announces.

Pomni's name becomes repeated by Caine, Ragatha, Peppy, and Jax.

Pomni opens her eyes, being in a haze, "Hello?" her movement looks distorted, her heartbeat rapidly increasing as she looks around. Her eyes widen in fear as she looks to her arm, finding that it has been abstracted. She screams, "No! No! No! Caine! Somebody, help me! Please!" she runs around panicking as the circus floor tilts vertically until she falls into a deep hole. She sees dark silhouettes looking down at her as she falls, shrieking, "No! No!"

Caine laughs, "Looks like our new friend's already abstracted."

Ragatha chuckles, shrugging, "Well, I guess we're not all cut out for it."

Peppy giggles, "That's a real shame. Guess she didn't have what it takes."

Jax crosses his arms, "I don't even remember her name, honestly."

Abstraction takes over Pomni's body as the sound of trumpets were heard with a distracted eyes.


Pomni wakes up with a yelp as her doorbell rings. She falls out of bed, collision glitching on a playing block. She  hits her head on the ceiling and faceplants on the floor, "Huh?" she lifts her head up in confusion before faceplanting again.

"Hey, Pomni. How'd you sleep?" Ragatha cringes to herself, "Are you still sleeping? I'll let you get back to it, if you are." she starts to walk away before hearing Pomni open the door, leaving it partially opened, "There she is. Hope you're doin' all right. I know yesterday was a bit of a doozy." she awkwardly holds her arm.

""A doozy."" Pomni opens the door a little more, looking regretful.

"Oh, and don't worry about the whole "abandoning me for the exit" thing. It's perfectly understandable what you were going through at the time, and there's no hard feelings." Ragatha laughs, doing finger guns, "Yer all good."

"Huh?" Pomni looks confused.

Ragatha looks away awkwardly for a second, "Uh, well, let's forget about all that." she shrugs, "Caine's got a new adventure today, and judging by what he's been teasing, it seems like it's gonna be a fun one." she walks away from the door slightly as Pomni comes out and shuts the door behind her.


Peppy taps her foot patiently as she waits for Ragatha to fetch Pomni.

"You waiting for someone?" Jax stands next to her.

"Pomni. She's been all panicky since yesterday."

"Well, I wouldn't waste worrying your pretty little head over her."

Peppy raises an eyebrow, replaying his words in her head. She looks over at him, seeing his usual smug smile.

Bul'shit O' Meter: Signature Jax look of superiority. Smug expression. Conclusion: Trying to cause problems on purpose.

Peppy gives a small smile, "Okay. Thanks, I won't then. I'm gonna go find Gangle." she starts to walk off.

"Huh...?" Jax follows after her, "I mean, if you want to be socially understimilated, be my guest. I figured someone like you would appreciate a more entertaining company..."

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