Chapter 6

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I braced myself, ready to fight Cain's threat with determination in my eyes and hands raised.

 Instead of fighting, Lestat offered his hand in surrender, looking foolish. "I'm going to be honest with you, Aurelia," he admitted, averting his gaze. "My mission here is to kill you."

My eyebrows shot up in disbelief, my heart racing even faster. I wondered, "If you get sent to kill me, why haven't you done it yet?"

Lestat's lips curled into a mischievous smile as he looked back at me. "Well, you don't pose much of a threat, so I decided to let you live...for a little longer," he said.

I crossed my arms, a mix of concern and intrigue etched onto my face. "So, let me get this straight," I said, trying to wrap my head around the situation. "My life is in your hands?"

He sat on a rock nearby. He lost himself in thought. I watched him with bewilderment.

"What are you waiting for?" he questioned, pointing to a path ahead. "You want me to run on that?"

I glanced at the endless path before me, contemplating the odds stacked against me. Lestat's confidence: "You can do it at your vampire speed," he smirked.

I ran down the path, unaware of the troubles that awaited me.

My supernatural abilities allowed me to jump over huge rocks.

As I cleared the final rock, I tripped and tumbled into the river. I groaned, feeling the wetness seeping into my already-soaked clothes.

But the chaos didn't end there. As I struggled to get back up, someone pushed me back down, their lips meeting mine in a tense, unwanted kiss. As they covered my face, my pulse raced as my eyesight blurred.

 As my mind tried to make sense of the situation, I felt their hands beneath my damp shirt and shivered. Confusion mixed with fear as I tried to regain control of the situation.

As I was about to give up, the garment concealing my face raised as I saw Lestat looking at me. My eyes widened as I realized what had happened. In the heat of the moment, I lost my bra and shirt.

Shock and anger flooded through me. "What did you do?" I demanded, my voice filled with a mix of disbelief and fury. I pushed Lestat against a tree. I did this with newfound strength. His body collided with a thud.

Clutching his side from the impact, he replied with an innocent expression, "Nothing."

Frustration surged. Who kissed and violated me instead of Lestat? The mystery added another layer of anger to my already boiling emotions.


 At the Snackster Shack, Cain's flowing hair and captivating blue eyes drew me in. His beautiful porcelain complexion suggested his immortality, adding to his attractiveness.

My thoughts got disrupted as Cain shook his hands in my face and said, "Are you good, Aurelia?" My throat cleared as I realized I had been looking at him for a while.

As we glanced over the menu, I felt sorry for Cain since he couldn't eat any of the delicious foods. "I'll ask for blood when the waiter comes," he said with a smile, and I raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Blood?" I questioned, curious about his choice.

"They have non-human options here," he said, and I hesitated, wondering if he was joking. But then I realized he was serious."This sounds like fun. ."I'm in for a drink," I replied, joining in the playful banter

Cain seemed nervous as he shook his head and said, "Woah, your part vampire, so I don't know what's going to happen." Concerned, I asked, "What's the matter?" He explained his uncertainty, but I reassured him, "There's only one way to find out."

When the waiter approached us, he was ready with his pen and notepad, wearing a friendly smile. 

"What would you guys like?" he asked, holding the notepad up. Cain said, "Can I have two bloods, please?" His words surprised me, and my mouth fell open in shock. The waiter nodded and walked away, closing his notepad.

As we waited for our blood cups, my phone beeped, distracting me. Checking Instagram, I saw a picture of my ex and Mia kissing. Before I could react, the waitress brought our drinks, wrecking my mood.

The flavor of my drink captured me. Out of rage and sadness, I made a phony Instagram account and spread Mia's rumors as an ex.

It was only after the act that reality snapped back into focus, and I found myself questioning, "What the Fuck did I do?" Regret washed over me, and I realized the mistake I had made.

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