Chapter 12: Fun Interrupted! Jazmins Mom Makes An appearance!

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She leaned closer and her face came into full view, with her flawless skin and dazzling eyes.

Surrounded by the curtain of her hair, Axel found himself enveloped in darkness. The enormity of Jazmin's presence was overwhelming, and her words only deepened the despair he felt.

"You know, to this day, I don't know why we Titans even need you little supporters anyway," she mused from her lofty position. Her voice carried a mix of curiosity and disdain. "Quite honestly, you little people don't even realize how insignificant you truly are." Jazmin said as her finger suddenly lifted off his body, and she leaned back, leaving him completely vulnerable.

Jazmin's words cut through Axel's defiance like a sharp blade. Her smile exuded arrogance as she raised her thumb, emphasizing her unfathomable power.

"The sheer weight of even one of my fingers could end you a hundred times over," she declared with a cocky certainty. "If I were to spit on you, you would drown in it," she continued, her tone dripping with condescension. "Heck, even a single strand of my hair would be enough to strangle you," she added, driving home the vast gap in their stature. "You are not my equal."

Axel felt the weight of his insignificance pressing down on him, overwhelmed by the absolute dominance of the Titans.

Jazmin with a look of disgust as she gazed down upon the frail and insignificant figure brought her index finger closer to Axels body, a finger held back by her thumb.

"I guess it's not your fault. It's not like you can help it." She shook her head and gave a sigh, her long hair waving gently. "You are an ant after all."

A single flick of her wrist and Axel went flying off the bed, crashing to the floor. Jazmin rose to her full height, towering over the crumpled form of Axel.

"Pathetic." Jazmin said as with chilling nonchalance, Jazmin slowly raised her bare foot, positioning it menacingly above Axel's diminutive form. Her colossal toes cast a long shadow over him, and Axel's heart raced as he stared up at the gargantuan foot.

Without a second thought, she brought her foot down, and Axel felt the immense pressure as her foot pressed him into the carpet below, grinding him into the floor. The air was forced from his lungs, and the sound of his bones cracking filled the room.

The weight of Jazmin's foot was unbearable, and Axel struggled to stay conscious.

Jazmin's own emotions swirled within her, her heart racing as she gazed down at her foot that had completely overwhelmed Axel. Beads of sweat formed on her brow and body, an unfamiliar sensation she usually didn't experience.

As Axel's insignificant struggles could barely be felt beneath her immense foot, she could feel her own muscles tensing, ones she had always suppressed when dealing with someone a small. A primal surge coursed through her, a sensation reserved for moments of overpowering the weak.

She loved the feeling of dominating her foes, and her heartbeat grew faster as her arousal swelled.
Jazmin's mind drifted as she imagined crushing the life out of him. The satisfying sensation of his bones crunching under her heel and the look of fear and panic in his eyes sent shivers down her spine. She closed her eyes, basking in the moment as she relished the feeling of her foot flattening him into the carpet.

Her mind filled with dark thoughts as she imagined a myriad of ways to break him. She pictured the sounds of his screams as she ground him into dust. Her heart pounded and her breath quickened as she envisioned his helpless struggles and the feeling of his life slipping away.

She was aroused by the power she held over him, and her body trembled with anticipation as she imagined his inevitable demise. She felt herself losing control, and she was drunk with the thought of killing him.

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