Chapter 13: The Way That Titans Talk!

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Axel's heart raced as he clung to the enormous Titan, Jazmin's mom Iris's shoulder like a barnacle on a ship's hull. The height was dizzying, a sensation entirely foreign to him. It left him torn between exhilaration and unease, unsure of whether he truly enjoyed the experience of perching on this colossal creature without a fear for his life.

A quick, hesitant glance over his shoulder revealed Jazmin following behind. Her footsteps now produced slightly muffled thuds, but her intensity was unmistakable. Beads of sweat cascaded from her brow, each drop big enough to drown him ten times over. Her eyes bore into him with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine.

"Damn, I'm going to be in so much trouble," Axel thought, his mind a whirlwind of impending consequences.

"Axel, did you hear me?" Iris's voice cut through his anxious reverie.

Startled, Axel turned to face her. "I'm sorry, ma'am," he stammered, "could you please repeat yourself?"

Iris, amused by his formality, brought her hand to her lips and let out a delicate giggle. "Oh my, how polite you are. Please, call me Iris."

Axel, embarrassed by his absentmindedness, nodded his head and responded. "Yes, Miss Iris."

Iris raised her hand to her mouth again and stifled another laugh. "Oh, you are such a cute boy. Jazmin is so lucky to have a friend like you."

"Friends?" Axel uttered, the word feeling almost alien as it passed through his lips. The idea of being friends with Jazmin was something he'd never even considered.

"Friends?!" Jazmin's response was a thunderous proclamation as she raced alongside her mother, sending a powerful gust of wind that made Axel clutch onto Iris's brown hair for dear life. "Mom were not friends!" She said the intensity of her voice was so overwhelming that he covered his ears in response.

"Jazmin, be careful," Iris chided with a hint of irritation, well aware of Axel's discomfort. "I simply assumed this little guy was your friend, or at the very least, your boyfriend, considering he was in your room," she continued.

Jazmin, her cheeks turning a deep shade of crimson, struggled to find the right words to respond. The mention of Axel's presence in her room left her momentarily flustered and at a loss for words.

"W-we were just hanging out." she blurted out, her voice shaky.

Iris arched an eyebrow and shot her daughter a curious glance. "Is that so?" she asked, the question lingering in the air.

"A boy and a girl hanging out alone together? Sounds suspicious to me," a man's voice echoed through the air.

Axel, hearing the voice, shifted his gaze upwards, his view obstructed by the labyrinth of Iris's thick hair. Above, he spotted a man with black hair and a hint of facial hair on his chin. This man peered down at Axel, his only connection to the giant Titan being a single strand of Iris's hair, which served as a makeshift rope.

With a calm and assured manner, the man descended until he stood shoulder to shoulder with Axel, his posture unwavering despite the howling wind.

Axel looked at the man, his confusion growing. He couldn't fathom how this stranger remained so unaffected by the relentless gusts of wind.

"Dad, nothing happened," Jazmin interjected, her voice significantly softer, to Axel's relief.

The man, identified as Danny, chuckled at his daughter's response. He took a few steps forward, extending his hand towards Axel.

"Danny... Danny Hutchinson," he introduced himself with a smirk.

Axel, still gripping Iris's hair for dear life, carefully extended his hand and shook Danny's hand, surprised at how resolute Danny remained amidst the shaking and buffeting winds caused by Iris's movements.

"Axel sir," Axel  responded.

Danny chuckled, amused by Axel's formality.
"I don't mean to rush things, but what exactly are you doing with my daughter and what are your intentions with her?" Danny asked his eyes slightly glowing, making Axel freeze up.

Iris's voice resonated with a subtle authority, almost pushing Danny back with its commanding presence. "How about we talk about this at a later date," she suggested, her smile carrying a weight that felt more like a veiled threat than a friendly gesture.

Danny, seemingly unfazed by Iris's powerful demeanor, nodded in agreement. He settled himself on the massive Titan's shoulder, sitting cross-legged with his arms folded across his chest. His gaze remained fixed ahead, as if he were patiently waiting for the right moment to continue the conversation.

Axel, sensing the tension, averted his gaze and looked ahead, at a massive hallway that seemed to stretch on endlessly. Dozens of doors lined the walls, all identical in size and shape, with one exception - each door was unique in its appearance.

Some had intricate designs carved into the surface, while others had elaborate patterns painted over their frames and yet their was only one door that stood out from the rest, a plain white door, simple in design, and yet bigger that every building that stood tall in Axels city.

The door loomed at the end of the hall, casting a shadow of unease over Axel. He couldn't quite put his finger on what was so unsettling about it, but a shiver ran down his spine at the sight.

"Where are we going?" Axel asked, his voice tinged with concern, as he turned his gaze towards Danny.

Danny's response only added to the growing sense of foreboding. "Iris wants to have a little word with our daughter," he revealed, a sinister grin playing on his lips as he met Axel's eyes. "And there's only one way that Titans talk."

Axel's anxiety mounted, the sweat on his forehead feeling like a torrent. "Gulp," he muttered, the lump in his throat becoming more pronounced.

"By fighting," Danny continued.

Axel gasped, Two Titans fighting? That was something that Smalls didn't usually get to see. It was just to dangerous.

"Fighting?" Axel repeated, his voice trembling. "What do you mean fighting?"

Danny's smile broadened as he answered, "Don't worry, Iris won't hurt her... much."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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