/Chapter One/

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You didn't understand.. why was this the only available job!?

A groan of annoyance left your mouth as the elevator decended downward. There was a tablet type thing on the wall, so you picked it up, and it automatically turned on.

The damn thing gave itself an introduction and then told you to imput your name. When you tried, the screen was fucking horrible!

"How is anyone supposed to put their name in when the screen can't even stay still....?"

You pressed the needed letters for your name into Handunit. It was a pain finding the letters at a still point, but you did it.

"It seems that you had some trouble with the keypad. I see what you were trying to type, and I will auto-correct it for you. One moment. Welcome:" it gave a pause in its words as it fully corrected the name. Surely it would know your name, as you typed it in as correctly as poss—

"Scrambled Eggs."

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" You yelled at the Handunit. How does it mix up 'Y/N' with 'Scrambled Eggs'!? That makes no sense!

You groaned as you put the unit away. You had a name tag that had your name, but because of this stupid thing... the animatronics are going to register you as... Scrambled Eggs.. fucking hell...

This job was stupid... the animatronics are fixing to be hella stupid too.. although, the pay at the end of the week should be fine.


As you walked into a hall of sorts, you glared at the Handunit that followed you. This should be for the first night only... right? Yeah...

Although, due to being in your mind, you only heard, "–shock them."

"Huh?" You turned your head around to look at the unit. You had hoped he'd repeat himself, but when he didn't, a soft sigh left your mouth.

Looking back at the small button panel, you hit the light button. Ballora was there.. so Handunit just moved over to the other side.. that one had... a fox? Which one was this again? Oh, yes, Funtime Foxy. A pink and white male fox, that many children believe to be female. Supposedly, it's because he never really speaks..

Well, Foxy was there. But he was just staring at the glass, staring at you. His eyes followed every move you made. Looking back over to Ballora's side, you could maybe see the faint silhouette of her head turning.

This creeped you out, so you followed the stupid unit through the vent. Although, again, being stuck in thoughts made you take a wrong turn. You ended up in a side room... an unlabeled room.

In this room, there was another fox. This one has a different color scheme. Orange and purple with white as the base for the coat. They talked with a small pink hand-puppet. That looked almost identical to the one that belonged to Freddy... that's somewhere here in the building. You haven't met that bear, nor his hand puppet. But you knew what they looked like, due to the manual you found in the elevator.

You just standing there helped with them not acknowledging you, but that changed when you heard the fox let out a rather glitched laugh. They laughed at whatever joke the handpuppet told. But... why was the laugh so.... cute?

No, no! You can't think that! It's an animatronic! With programmed emotions, it can't–! Why do you feel so attracted to the damn thing...?

Like the two other times before, being in your mind made you forget your surroundings. So it caught you off guard when you snapped back to reality and saw the two animatronics looking at you.


I'm trying a different x reader for once, so let's see if this goes well!

Anyways, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

644 Words

Requested by: cringe_fizzy And Axxielotll

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