/Chapter Three/

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You got away from Handunit again. His annoying... monotone voice was shitty. So was the elevator ride down. What made it worse was the fact his voice changed to that of a teenager! A fucking teenager!

The damn thing made pick a voice for it to have... for some reason... and, like the night before, the screen wouldn't be still... so.. you pressed a number, randomly pressing one, because it didn't seem to matter. And- badda-bing! Badda-boom! Angsty Teen was the voice!

For the love of whatever holy being is above or below, if there is any, you found that voice annoying after the second sentence! Why was this even a vocal option?!

It didn't matter much. After all, you somehow ended up in the wrong place again. This wasn't the side room or whatever the fuck it's called... but you were now in front of a stage. An animatronic with blue eyes and red-orange hair in pigtails.

Taking notice of the red coloring on the animatronic and the microphone, you deterred that this was Circus Baby. But... she has green eyes, not blue..

Suddenly, a small voice echoed from behind you. It wasn't directly behind, but the echo made it hard to tell.. it sounded like a young girl with a British accent.

Turning around, you saw a child with medium long orange hair. Technically, a red head. Her outfit was a simple pink shirt and blue skirt. White socks and cute black shoes.

Her voice was... unclear. The words she spoke couldn't be made out, but... she stepped closer to the tall animatronic. Walking through you.

An ice cream appeared from her chest, but the girl stopped turned to face you and said in the clearest, non-accented voice, "You aren't ready to see this yet."

Then, you gasped loudly, trying to move upward as you were on your stomach, but you banged your head on the top of the vent.

"Right... I was– I was in the vent?" You looked confused as your eyes panned around the small, tight area. This was... unfamiliar.

No, no, this was seen before. This led to the Circus Gallery Control Module. How did you know the way this went? I have no clue. You just knew.. okay? This is a fnaf fanfic. It doesn't need to make sense.

Was it necessary to go to the module? You weren't sure, but you decided to back-track and crawl backward. You tried to enter through the little area where Lolbit and Bonnet were. As you did, you heard the semi-high pitched voice of the pink bunny speak.

"Lols, stop staring at the vent. They probably forgot about us... like everyone else.." Bonnet sounded disappointed by her own words. As if she wanted you to return and talk to them.

Like the saying goes... speak of the devil. You came through the opening of the vent. Lolbit looked at you and smiled softly. They walked over and picked you up, out of the vent giving you a hug, despite not really hugging anyone before.

"I'm happy to see you too, Lolbit," you said with a smile as you gently patted their back.

They let out a soft, glitched laugh. And, if it weren't for the tiredness in your eyes, you would've believed it if Lolbit just blushed. But that's impossible... right?

"Oh, you're here, Y/N!" Bonnet hopped over and hugged your legs with her soft padded paws. You reached down faintly and patted her on the head. She then climbed up your leg, and you playfully rolled your eyes before pressing her nose.

"We missed you," the multicolored fox said as they lightly snuggled their nose into your cheek. They probably have either attachment issues, or they're just very clingy. Either of which, you weren't bothered by. This attention was something you loved... but never had before this moment.

"Lols, it was barely a day.. put them down.." Bonnet said with a soft eye roll as she still clung to you. But she was doing it to not get stepped on since she was a hand puppet.

Lolbit then realized just how clingy they just seemed, so they placed you down and felt their face get warm. Their tail also began to quickly, yet softly, wag back and forth in both embarrassment and excitement toward seeing you.

"So!" Lolbit said as they sat down on the floor, sitting like a child with their tail still slightly wagging. "How's your life at home?"


So, I wonder how you'll respond to that... also, Lolbit's happy to see you, and they always will be.

Anyways! Have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

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