/Chapter Six/

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"Y/N?" Tiffy tugged on your pants while you got ready for your 3rd night on the job. As of the moment, you were looking for your hat that you had to wear, even if it would never be known.

A soft hum that left your throat allowed Tiffy to be aware of your attentiveness. You were listening, just finding your hat while doing so.

"We wondered... could we.. work, too?"

You softly chuckled at her. She wanted to go to work with you, as well as Dani. You didn't want to say no, but with how Lila died so recently, just last night, you had to think about this.

A place with possibilities of dying in one way or another... could that be a good place for kids who were barely 15 and 6? Probably not, but you figured they'd rather die outside of the house rather than by the gruesome hands of your parents.

"You better be quiet when we leave. They can't know I'm taking you both to work... hell, they can't know I have a job," you told her, muttering the last sentence to yourself. She nodded and quietly left the room to the crawlspace where Dani was.

Finding the damn hat you needed, you placed it on your head; making sure you looked decent. You stood up straight and sighed. You looked like shit.

Poor hygiene.. especially noticeable on your face. Dirt and small pimples covered your face. Makeup was applied and washed off poorly every day. You probably smelt like shit, but your parents didn't bother to pay for water bills, so you just used perfume/colonge to mask your stench.


"Tiffy, quiet," you hushed her.

She nodded and covered her mouth with her hands. She was 15, but due to trauma acts much younger.. much like Dani's age of 6.

"Now... Are you both ready to see where I work?" You asked as you slowly began to walk down the hall. They should be out drinking, but you couldn't be too sure.

Looking over your shoulder, you saw they nodded at your question. You exited the house, sneaking to your car. You had them enter the backseats, and you buckled them in.

Whether they were home or not didn't matter to you. The neighbors didn't like it when your family snuck out. You've told them that you just go out to study with friends, but with your siblings now? That can't be used. So, you just had to hope they didn't question it.

A sigh left your lips as you backed out of the driveway. Forcing yourself to stay awake while driving was easy, but... it was already a headache because you let your sibling make noise the moment you got a bit away from the house.

And, oh.. my.. fucking... god...

They've never been outside before, aside from when they entered the place from when they were born. Never going to school, never ever leaving the property, or even the walls you've all lived in.

So, seeing the moon in the sky, the stars, the lights, the other houses, the road, the trash, the stray animals, the trees, the dead possums, and squirrels made them shout and point at everything. All you did was nod in acknowledgment.

You've been to school, only for a month. They removed the overall ability to go to school for the rest of the bloodline when you couldn't keep your fucking mouth shut. You told teachers, students, custodians, and just anyone at school about how 'amazing' and 'unique' your home life was. Damn right, it was unique. Uniqueness of murder!

So, they stopped letting you go to school, but you did get your school knowledge from Plinna and Jackel. Now, you've slowly begun to teach Tiffy and Dani stuff. They've actually learned to speak from you.

Soon, after long minutes of your siblings shouting at everything they see, they pointed at the big building you parked the car at. The main building that led to your job.

You undid your seat belt, reaching back to undo theirs. They awaited for the door to be opened, and you had to grip their wrists so they don't go touching everything.

"You both better behave and stay close. I can't have either of you getting hurt, lost, or killed. Understand?" You spoke with a demanding tone as you entered the building, walking toward the elevator, which absolutely scared the kids.

"Uhuh! Scary!" Tiffy shouted as she looked around the place. She tried to run off and touch everything, but your grip was tight, and you had to pull her into the elevator.

When the decent began, they screamed and hugged you tightly. You just awaited for Handunit. That thing will horrify these kids.

"Welcome Scra–" it began before it was cut off by screaming children. You placed your hands on their heads, making them calm down. "The kids shouldn't b–"

"Shut it, Handunit. I know they shouldn't, but they wanted to come along."

"I will notify the leader about this."

That made you scowl at him. Your fists clenched, considering punching and breaking the screen. You couldn't handle the idea of letting that... bitch know.

Wait? Why are you calling her a bitch? You haven't met her, you don't know anything about her! All you know is that Bonnet and Lolbit hate her... maybe that's why you hate her.

"Now then, follow, you have a job to do."

"I know, give me a solid minute fir–" you began to speak but cut off by the elevator opening. You crawled through, making sure your siblings followed despite the tightness of the vent.

They were scared but stayed close as they could. Entering the area with the shock buttons, they immediately went to go press them. You panicked and yanked them away from the panels. They gave you a hurt-filled look.

"I love you both, but please, don't touch those... they hurt the animatronics." You told them while patting their heads, hoping to make them not upset with you.

Their heads tilted, and you sighed, knowing you'd have to show them. You stepped toward Ballora's side and hit the light button. She wasn't seen.


So, you brought your siblings.... is something going to happen? Or will they be safe..?

Now then, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

1062 Words

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