/Chapter Fourteen/

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TW: Violence, Death(?)

"Lols!" Bonnet yelled at her destroyed friend. Her longest friend. Her most trusted friend.

You stood in fear, shaking as you looked at the oil dripping from their body and limbs. Lolbit twitched as sparks flew off of them.

The pink and white fox had a grin on his muzzle. His hands were covered in oil, splatters of said oil on his chest and slightly his face. The soles of his feet coated in the black, flammable substance...

Wait.. flammable? That's an idea...

Wait? How did we get in this position? Well~ let's see.. :)
Not too long ago

"Is... is that Foxy?" You asked while glancing back and forth of the vent and of Lolbit and Bonnet.

Both of them had their ears flattened, pressed down against their heads. Slowly, the pink handpuppet nodded. "It is..."

"He's th-the most... loy-loyal, I'd say. He'd listen to e-everything Circ-cus would t-tell..." Lolbit spoke with a nervous tone. His metallic tail falling down, tucking between his legs, a reaction animals have when scared..

You then let out a subtle, scared chuckle. "So that means he's going to try and kill me..?"

"Either y-you or me, sin-since I did sa-ave you."

Then, in a matter of seconds of Lolbit saying that, Funtime Foxy's hands appeared in the vent opening. Soon, his whole body crawled straight into the room, and he stared. Not at you... but at Lolbit.

"You made Circus Baby upset with me, you worthless glitch reject!" He yelled angerly, his fingers moving to make sure his finger-joints were still good. Now, I haven't felt them, but I've for sure read it... his claws-nails-could easily tear through metal and wiring.

The small dot in Lolbit's eyes dimmed heavily, but they were still visible. "Th-That's not m-my fault! You're jus-st fuck-fucking slo-ow!"

"Slow!? Oh- I'll fucking-" he cut himself off. And it was like a blink of the eye, making your eyes widen.

Foxy was over top of Lolbit, digging his nails into the multicolored fox's shoulder. The pink and white fox let out a growl as he angerly tore his 'sibling' apart.

Blackish-gray oil poured and sputtered out of the slash wounds. Lolbit's left arm was torn apart and off of their body. Their right arm was torn and shredded by Foxy's claws.

Glitched screams and cries, just filled the room. You and Bonnet stood in the corner. Hiding from Funtime Foxy as he acted ruthlessly. You held the pink handpuppet in your arms, rubbing her head softly as he ears folded back against her head.

Your heart ached at the sole guilt of not helping. That horrid gut feeling only increased when the glitched that left Lolbit's voice box came to stop along with a robotic sound of drowning in oil.

Bonnet immediately jumped out of my arms and cried. She hopped her way over to the broken and sparking animatronic that lay motionless, yet with small twitches.

"Lols!" Bonnet yelled at her destroyed friend. Her longest friend. Her most trusted friend.

You stood in fear, shaking as you looked at the oil dripping from their body and limbs. Lolbit twitched as sparks flew off of them.

The pink and white fox had a grin on his muzzle. His hands were covered in oil, splatters of said oil on his chest and slightly his face. The soles of his feet coated in the black, flammable substance...

Wait.. flammable? That's an idea...

Your face became a grin. Looking around quickly, you saw a cabinet. Rushing over to it, you broke the metal hinges off somehow and looked through. Finding a lighter and making sure it works.

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