/Chapter Two/

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"Uhm..." You hesitated speaking any words.

The pink rabbit puppet hopped onto your shoulder and placed their soft padded paws upon your face. "Oo! Lols, we aren't hallucinating!"

"We aren't? They're real?" Their ears did a light twitch as well as their tail that was lightly drooped. They brought their hands to your face as well and lightly squished your cheeks. "They are..."

"Who are you...?" You asked quietly, hoping talking to them wasn't a mistake.

The pink hand puppet did a soft squeak as they realized you didn't know who either of them were. They hopped onto the fox's shoulder and introduced themself. "My name's Bonnet! The 'twin' of BonBon. I'm also a female."

"Lolbit, that's my name. I suppose the.. 'brother or sibling' of Funtime Foxy... and my gender is... to put simply.. they/them, but realistically, any goes." They explained with their voice lightly glitching in and out on occasion.

Bonnet hopped down off of Lolbits shoulder and onto the floor. She looked around the room for some reason you weren't sure of. "Why are you here? Guards shouldn't be here."

"I... I got lost." You answered with a very quiet and nervous chuckle.

Lolbit placed a hand on their hip. "Lost on the first day? Handunit should've been leading you around.. Y/N."

"You... know my name?"

"Well, yes. It's your nametag, and I'm assuming that... Scrambled Eggs isn't your name," they lightly chuckled as the white dots in their eyes did an eye roll. "Handunit really needs to stop with the stupid... egg foods.."

This confused you. "He's done that before..?"

"Well, yes," Bonnet said as she hopped around the room. "It's given every night guard some food name... mostly with eggs. Although, only me and Lols regester the guards by their real names. Too bad they die before their first paycheck..."

"I'm sorry.. What?" You said as you smiled with an unsure nervousness.

Lolbit lightly smacked the hand puppets head when she stopped hopping by their feet. "Great job, Bonnet, you scared them."

"I'm being truthful!" She exclaimed as she rubbed the back of her head with her padded paws. "No need to smack me... bitch.."

"No s-s-s-swearing," they said as they closed their eyes with each stutter. Supposedly, it's a small glitch. "Circus Baby wouldn't like that."

"She's not the boss of me! She shunned me because the kids didn't like me! And she despised you for no goddamn reason!" Bonnet complained.

The multicolored fox sighed. "She hates me because I glitch, and it's a distraction to everyone."

"Circus Baby?" You looked confused. Now, don't get it wrong, you knew who she was, but for her to... hate anyone? That's not possible.

The two animatronics looked at you. "Yeah... that green-eyed... bastard hates anyone that isn't the... 'gang' whatever that means..." The pink hand puppet groaned.

You just sighed before realizing... you were technically still having to work. Looking at your watch, the time read 3:12. Jesus! You've been here for... an hour or two, maybe three?!

Suddenly, from the vent, a familiar, annoying voice was heard. Handunit.

"I'm not built with emotions, but hanging out with these regects is fairly prohibited by the leader. Now, you have a job to finish."

You sighed before moving toward the vent.  But before you entered, you looked at the fox and bunny. With a small wave, you said, "I'll try to see you again if you're okay with it."

"If you can, please do, Y/N," Bonnet said with a small giggle.

"Oh! Wait! Bonnet, c'mere," you wanted the little pink rabbit to come closer. When she did, you reached over, pressed her nose, creating a small 'boop' as you did.

Then, you left through the vent to complete your job for the night.

So, you didn't get to hear Lolbit and Bonnet talking to each other... but..

"They're..." Lolbit began, not sure how to end their sentence.

Bonnet filled in words randomly, "Cute? Different? Unique? Enticing? Special? Enjoyable?" Then, she tried to begin to say negatives, "Ugly? Disgusting? Boring? La–"

"No, no.... not the mean ones.. but.. the ones before, those.. all of those fit them," the multicolored fox smiled as they imagined your face.. was that creepy? No, it's just... keeping you in their system as a guard.... they couldn't possibly like someone! That's not... programmed...


So... uhm.. just met, and the crush is happening. But... with every crush and typical love story, there's denial! Because... why the fuck not?

Anyways, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

764 Words

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