𝐈- 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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Before you read I must ask that you respect other people's opinions and ships for the Star Wars fandom! I want this to be a safe and free opinionated read! Thank you and enjoy!

"What are you saying then? You're giving up?" Poe said raising his voice slightly at Finn from the opposite side of the room. "You're giving up on me? On us?! Whatever happened to; "you are my future, Poe?!"

"You are!" Finn said heartbrokenly. Poe simply shook his head as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"But now I'm different... now this mission has taken a toll on me... I'm not the guy you knew- I'm not the man you fell in love with anymore!" Poe said exasperatingly.

"No Poe that's not what I meant! I just think you need to calm down... you've have been acting different and none of us like appreciate it. Instead of building this family, you're trying to tear us apart!" Poe scoffed.

"We need you," Finn said honestly. "Leia would have wanted-"

"DO NOT MENTION HER NAME!" Poe announced. Everyone when silent.

"Poe, I need you to be here for me like I am for you we all love you," tears were now welling in Finn's eyes. "I love you, Poe," Finn said sincerely as he felt his heart slightly breaking.

"Bullshit," Poe huffed unimpressed. Finn felt his own heartbreaking in half, he wanted to reach out and grabbed him but knew there was no used to it now.

"If you really loved me you'd understand- I would do anything for you Finn... but now I see that you choose sides and that you'll never do the same for me."

"Poe it's not like that- Poe please!" Just then Poe closed the hatch of the Falcon on his way out. "Poe..."


It had only been three months since Finn had proposed to Poe. Time felt as though it was speeding past them both and with the time that skipped Finn and Poe fell in love with each other more and more. Life was perfect for them and it got better with each day. They would take missions together in the (rebuild and refurbished) Millennium Falcon with Rey. Of course, Finn was happy that the gang was back together but Poe was truly happy to know that he found his family, however, that all changed when Poe did not foresee addition to their family.

Poe strolled onto the Millennium Falcon with his hands full of supplies that they would need on the trip when he saw an uninvited guest sitting in his pilot's seat.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Poe asked abruptly as he stared at the pilot's seat dumbfoundedly.

Rey walked into the Falcon with her hands filled as well with materials. "He here to help... he hasn't been out in a while."

Ben slowly stood up from the pilot's seat, "this is my father's ship after all. Han Solo knew about Rey and Finn... but not you." He slowly made his way to Poe, "So better question yet- what are you doing here?"

Poe felt his fists clench up. "Weren't you the one who killed your own father? Wouldn't want that on my conscience," Poe spat out.

"Alright you two that's enough," Rey said standing in between the argumentative men. "Help me load the ship so we can get started."

"Started?" Ben said raising an eyebrow at Rey.

"Oh, they didn't tell you?" Poe said in a mocking tone. "We're going to places that the First Order has disrupted and to bring back the peace, Kylo Ren.  Peace, do you know what that means?"

"I know what peace means idiot," Kylo said looking down at Poe.

"Ya sure then why did you-"

"CAN WE PLEASE DO SOMETHING ELSE THAN BICKER!" Rey shouted at the boys. "Look, we need to work together if we're going to try to restore balance."

Stormpilot Book 2- I Need A PilotWhere stories live. Discover now