𝐕𝐈- 𝐈'𝐦 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐈𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡

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Poe tried his best to remember what exactly happened everything was in a complete daze for him. 'No... no this isn't- she's-'

Just then Poe's legs when completely limp "Poe!" Finn shouted surprised as he tried his best to catch his fiancé, instead, they both ended up stumbling to. "Poe it's alright, it's alright-"

"No, no NO SHE CAN'T!" Poe shouted as he looked right through Finn. Everything became a blur the next thing Poe knew he was grabbing the collar Ben's shirt aggressively. "WHAT DID YOU DO? WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!"

"Poe it's wasn't his fault," Rey said in a more relaxed tone. "You knew she was weak." Poe still kept his grip on Ben he wanted to bust his lip again as he did before.

"Poe," Finn said as he placed his hand on his shoulder. "She's gone-"

"NO, SHE CAN'T!" Poe said as he shoved Kylo up against the wall of the Falcon. "I never want to see your face again do you understand?! I want you out of my god damn life!" He then gave him another good right hook across the jaw, he was about to do it again when all of a sudden Finn yelled at him.

"POE LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Finn shouted out Poe paused. "This mission has taken a toll on you! Don't you see what's you've become?" Finn said frightened at the man he once knew before him. Poe released his grip on Kylo as he looked back at Finn. "You've changed Poe-"

"What are you saying then? You're giving up?" Poe said raising his voice slightly at Finn from the opposite side of the room. "You're giving up on me? On us?! Whatever happened to; "you are my future, Poe?!"

"You are!" Finn said heartbrokenly. Poe simply shook his head as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"But now I'm different... now this mission has taken a toll on me... I'm not the guy you knew- I'm not the man you fell in love with anymore!" Poe said exasperatingly.

"No Poe that's not what I meant! I just think you need to calm down... you've have been acting different and none of us like appreciate it. Instead of building this family, you're trying to tear us apart!" Poe scoffed.

"We need you," Finn said honestly. "Leia would have wanted-"

"DO NOT MENTION HER NAME!" Poe announced. Everyone when silent.

"Poe, I need you to be here for me like I am for you we all love you," tears were now welling in Finn's eyes. "I love you, Poe," Finn said sincerely as he felt his heart slightly breaking.

"Bullshit," Poe huffed unimpressed. Finn felt his own heartbreaking in half, he wanted to reach out and grabbed him but knew there was no used to it now. 

"If you really loved me you'd understand- I would do anything for you Finn... but now I see that you choose sides and that you'll never do the same for me."

"Poe it's not like that- Poe please!" Just then Poe closed the hatch of the Falcon on his way out. "Poe..."


Finn, Rey and Ben hesitated to say a word to one another they all had felt general Organa breathe her last breath. Rey looked over at Ben to see his bloody lips she then looked over at Finn who was completely grief-stricken.

"Ben," she began, "Ben I'm so sorry-"

"No," he said trying to hold it together, "no please!" Ben then broke down into a stream of tears. "Please," he begged. Rey slowly walked up to him and wrapped her loving arms around him.

"It's okay," she whispered. "It's okay- I'm here... I'm here."

Rey held him close to her she wasn't sure who she was consoling herself or Ben. Finn whipped the hot tears that filled his eyes he then grabbed Poe old jacket, the one that he had given them when the two reunited years ago.

"I have to go find him," Finn said as he opened the hatch. "I'm not leaving him there I gotta try to get him home-"

"No," Ben said as he looked a Finn. Rey looked at Ben confused and worried.

"What do you mean no? He said as he adjusted his jacket. "It's dangerous out there-"

"Exactly," Ben said as he made his way to Finn. "I think it would be safer if went after him. It's dark and dangerous out there in the jungle- you did say we were in Ajan Kloss?" Ben asked as he looked back a Rey. Rey held herself as she nodded.

"When I was Luke's apprentice he would take me training here, I know this jungle." Ben then place his hand on Finn's shoulder. "I'll find him and bring him back home to you," he said sincerely.

Finn paused for a moment as he thought it over. "Ben, your probably the last person he want's to see besides me," Finn said honestly.

"Well, maybe that's what he needs right now... I'll bring him home and if he still wants nothing to do with me-" he paused for a while. "Then I'll leave the Resistance for good, maybe this wasn't the best idea to join your team-"

"Ben," Rey whispered. "No, we-"

"It doesn't matter now," Ben said in a hurtful chuckle. "I should have already known." Everyone was silent for a moment.

"I'll bring him back and set things right," Ben removed his hand away from Finn's shoulder. 

"You should bring you lightsaber," Finn suggested. 

"I won't need it," Ben said assuming that he wouldn't need it, he then began to make his wat to the exit of the Falcon.

"Ben," Rey said as she lightly approached him. Ben looked back to see a speechless Rey, his heart began to race. She then ran up to him and gave him a hug. "Be careful," She whispered in his ear. Ben's eye's widened at Rey's surprising action. She soon let go of him and made her way to Finn.

"I'll bring him back to you," Ben said as he looked as Finn.

"Okay," Finn said as he hugged himself in Poe's jacket. "I trust you." Ben nodded at Finn as he left to find Poe.

Ben felt a weight lifted off his shoulders. That one sentence gave him hope for a better future, it made him feel like a true Rebel, made he did have a chance with a new life again, with a new family... maybe even another chance with Rey. He just kept on repeating the sentence over and over again in his head;

"I trust you... I trust you."

Stormpilot Book 2- I Need A PilotWhere stories live. Discover now