.Chapter 9

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Queen Coral looked at Anemone. "You are so unadorned, my beautiful daughter, I have to start making up for all the presents I missed giving you," Coral said. And she slowly took off one of the pearl necklaces around her neck, and put it around Anemone's neck, Anemone looked down at it. My first treasure, Anemone thought.
Queen Coral began to wrap her wings around Anemone again. There's nothing to worry about, my friends will be fine, Anemone worried. "Can we talk alone?" Anemone asked. "Of course, guards, you are dismissed, Shark, send a message to Queen Blister and see how soon she can get here," Coral said. The guards (including Pike) flew off the level. You were saying we could talk alone-? Anemone asked. "Oh, no, Tsunami never leaves my side, I finally got a living daughter and I'm keeping it that way," Coral said. "BY WATCHING ME EVERY SECOND," Tsunami muttered angrily. "And now I have two daughters! Possibly four by the end of the week, if Tortoise does her job right," Coral said muttering on the last part. Coral then glanced at Anemone and taking her sight off Tsunami. "Maybe we should make a harness for you too, dear," she said. "No!- I mean, that's alright," Anemone said, "I've managed to take care of myself up to now, I promise I'll stay alive." "Hmm, we'll think about it," Coral said. Anemone then remembered that Pike mentioned something about 'aquatic'. "I have to tell you something, I- I don't know the underwater language, Webs never taught me," Anemone confessed. "What is wrong with that dragon? It's alright sweetheart, we'll have Whirlpool teach you, he's a terrific teacher, right Tsunami?" Coral asked. "I guess," Tsunami said. "So what do you know? Did they teach you anything?" Coral said. "Of course! We had lots of battle training, Webs taught us the history of Pyrrhia," Anemone went on, "he did geography too, and Dune taught us hunting, Kestrel was supposed to teach us about the tribes, but mostly she yelled and tried to set us on fire- "why don't I get to learn those things, Mother?" Tsunami interrupted unintentionally. "You will, dear, when I think your ready," Coral said. "What do you study?" Anemone asked. "The council, battle reports, food supplies, the treasury, but council commanders really do all that," Tsunami explained. "Dragons do their best work if you watch them closely," Coral pointed out. "Mostly I'm stuck in training sessions with Whirlpool," Tsunami said. "For what? Aquatic?" Anemone asked. "Never mind, dear, you'll see eventually," Coral said, "Were the Talons Of Peace very cruel to you?" Coral asked. Anemone was about to answer, but then she noticed something on Coral's talons. "What are these stains?" Anemone asked. "The perils of my job! Well, my art, really, I should show you" Coral said, "And then you can meet him" Anemone, along with Queen Coral and Tsunami, flew down the summer palace. "You'll adore Whirlpool, he's just the most wonderful, brilliant dragon" Coral said. As Coral went on, Anemone couldn't help but catch Tsunami rolling her eyes at the mention 'Whirlpool', the three SeaWing got to the floor. "Whirlpool, come here!" Queen Coral called. As they waited for 'Whirlpool' Anemone saw a scroll that didn't seem quite finished. "That scroll is my work-in-progress," Coral said. "This is beautiful," Anemone said, picking up a small seahorse-shaped sculpture laying on the scroll. "Orca made those, my first daughter, she was a very talented sculptor," Coral said. "First daughter? I had another sister? What happened to her?" Anemone asked. Then, a SeaWing came, It was a male adult SeaWing, he had dark green scales and additional light green scales, dappled in wave patterns, along his spine, he had blobby, frog-like, pale green eyes that seemed too large for his eye sockets, and oddly small teeth, he wore a large, golden hoop earring in one ear and had dark ink staining his talons, he also wore several golden rings around his sharp, fishhook-like claws, his smile was toothy and did not reach his eyes, and he strutted around. "Your majesty, and your smaller majesties," the mystery dragon said. As Coral boringly talked to Whirlpool about the scroll, another SeaWing came flying in. "Your majesty!" The dragon said. It was a female adult SeaWing, she was large, with dull, gray-green scales and small, colorless eyes that closely resembled those of Shark. "Oh, this must be your newly recovered daughter," the SeaWing said. What's she glaring at me for? Anemone thought. "Pardon me, Urchin just arrived with strange news, I knew you'd want to hear it right away," the SeaWing said. "Indeed Moray, you always know what's best," Coral said. "I've had excellent training at the side of the most wonderful queen in history," Moray said. Anemone couldn't help but roll her eyes at Moray for being what she called 'a teachers pet', and couldn't help but notice Tsunami also rolling her eyes, and the two started to make a connection. "A dead dragon has been found only a few islands away," Moray explained. Coral yawned at hearing that. "Oh, how sad, what happened to him?" Coral asked. "Her, and we don't know yet," Moray said, "But the strange part is that it's not a SeaWing, it's a SkyWing" "what?! This close to the palace?!" Coral snarled, "Get Shark and take me to the body now!" Anemone, Tsunami, Coral, along with Shark flew out of the Summer palace. I hope my friends are alright, I'll check on them when we get back, Anemone thought. Anemone swam through the tunnel with the other SeaWings, and swam with the currents. This is great! Anemone thought, but it's also exhausting... my wings are so tired! They swam for a bit until they reached the island where the SkyWing died. At last! Anemone thought. "She's been dead for a day or two," Shark said, "killed quite violently." Anemone looked closer at the SkyWing, and figured out WHO it was. That's... that's.. that's Kestrel! Anemone thought.

Wings Of Fire | #2 | The Lost Heir | Switched Dragonets AUWhere stories live. Discover now