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The next morning, we all get up at 10AM and have breakfast once again prepared by Chef T. Eating with other people in a large family table is a luxury I don't get to enjoy often. It makes me happy that I'll get to share at least five more meals with everyone.

After breakfast, we all get ready and head to the aquarium for the afternoon. After spending some time taking pictures and buying souvenirs at the gift shop, we all resolve that we want to be in the water, in comparison to looking at it.

We head back to the house to go to the beach again. The boys buy a whiffle ball and bat and convince Heidi and I to run around in the sand with them. After tumbling over several times, Adam and Nolan decide to call it quits and give Nick, Heidi, and I the win. We swim in the ocean for a little bit before concluding we're sick of the sand and just head back to the pool at the house.

After a long day of being in the water, we have dinner and relax in the living room. I suddenly have a weird craving for ice cream so Adam volunteers to make an 11 o'clock ice cream run with me. We head out around the town for an ice cream parlor or ice cream truck.

"We have to find a soft serve place! I don't know why, but I only ever get soft serve in Jersey," I tell him.

"Sure," he replies with a smile. "There has to be one here somewhere."

"So Adam..." I say, wanting to ask him about Nolan. But I don't, I just plan on leading the conversation there. "Do you guys have any plans for the summer?"

"The first Saturday in June, I think we're going to NYC for an event."

"How is that? The whole YouTube thing? Did you guys need to film for Monday?"

"We're ahead of the game, we filmed on Wednesday," he says proudly.

"I should've expected that from you guys," I chuckle. "What are your events like?" I question, making small talk.

"It's really fun and so rewarding. Getting to meet actual faces to people that we interact with is such an amazing experience."

"That sounds great and I can tell you've met some very special people."

"Our supporters are the most wonderful people we could ever ask for."

"I love the passion you guys have for it," I tell him, still having no idea how to get to the topic of Nolan . "I see it in your videos, you know?"

"Thanks," he smiles at me. After walking a few blocks, Adam points out, "Oh look, it's a ice cream truck. What luck. What do you think?"

"Vanilla soft serve and sprinkles? Sold." I grin at him.

And then it hits me. Just ask him a simple question. "Sooooo... how did you and Nick manage to stay friends with Nolan for all these years?"

He shrugs, "I don't even know. I actually hate Nolan."

I laugh, "You know, Nolan made that same joke at the train station."

"That's funny." He laughs with me. "And maybe that's your answer."

When we get back to the house at around midnight, with ice cream for everyone, Nick, Nolan, and Heidi have a movie playing on random.

Heidi scolds me for getting sprinkles on my ice cream. "Ugh, sprinkles," she groans.

"What's wrong with sprinkles?" Nick asks.

"Nothing," I tell him, eating the cone in front of Heidi. "Somebody smashed an ice cream cone filled with sprinkles in Heidi's face a few years ago. It scarred her for life, so now she despises sprinkles. I think it's hilarious."

She groans again and I just smile while the boys laugh. "Kianna does this to torture me, I swear." She rolls her eyes. "On that note, I'll be upstairs, getting ready for bed. Goodnight everyone!" Heidi reminds us that she has to get her full night of sleep.

I take the last bite of my cone and I announce, "Goodnight boys. Feel free to stay here as long as you want."

"Thanks a ton," Nick says.

"We'll probably be up in a bit," Adam adds.

I smile at them as I head over to my room. I quickly change, grab my book that I was reading yesterday, and head back downstairs.
In the twenty minutes that I'm gone, the boys aren't down in the living room anymore. I leave the lights on just in case, and I head over to the swing.

But when I get outside, Nolan is on the swing waiting for me. I'm shocked, but happy I get to enjoy his company for another night. I walk over to the swing with a smile.

"Hiya," he says. "Hope you don't mind I stole your spot. This place is quite amazing."

My grin grows, "Isn't it?"

He beams back and when he directly looks at me, I look away. "Yeah, it's great," he responds. "And plus, you never told me about you last night."

"About what?" I question.

"About yourself."

"You were serious? You don't wanna know about me," I chuckle, "I'm nothing but trouble."

"Trouble?" He repeats.

Yeah, I don't believe it either. But I don't understand the words that come out of my mouth when I'm talking to you.

"Or the complete opposite," he finishes.

"Yeah, you're right," I admit, taking the seat next to him. "I'm not trouble. But I am boring."

"Prove it," he smirks. "Prove that you're so boring."

*Author's Note:

Hi everyone! Thanks for all the recent votes and interactions! It's been motivating me to write a lot more. :)

Sorry it's only a single update. :( But good news is that chapter sixteen will be up very soon!

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