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"So after this year, you're going to law school? Wow, Kianna, that's amazing. " Kianna tells me about her plans after graduating this year.

"Not really," she mutters, seeming slightly annoyed by my praise. "It's whatever."

"At Stanford University? What do you mean 'not really?' That's really impressive," I chuckle. "But you don't seem too impressed with yourself."

She laughs with me, "That's because with my status, it's not impressive at all. It's all about the money and legacy. I, as a person, have nothing to do with it."

"You're so modest, you know that? You still can't get into a school and program like that if you're not smart," I smile widely at her, "I know you're smart, Kianna. I see it now and I saw it back in school."

She gives me a half-smile when I bring up the past. "Thanks, but my mother's family donates a lot. Sometimes, I feel like I'm only in because of her."

"Well that's not true. You wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't meant for you," I continue.

"I guess," she shrugs, finally accepting it.

"So...what about your parents? They both went there? Is that where they met?" I continue to pry.

"The age long tale," she snickers. "Are you sure you want to hear this?"

"Yeah," I smile at her.

"Okay," she grins back. "Don't say I didn't warn you." I give her my undivided attention when she starts talking. "Well, when my mother was 22, she met my father in Stanford on their first year of law school. My dad was a small town boy born and raised in central New Jersey. Or more specifically, Iselin, New Jersey. He grew up in the house next to Heidi's. But he helped buy my grandparent's home now and of course, this house first. My father was a genius with the best study habits, growing up. He got into NYU law undergrad with a scholarship and all that. So when it came time to choose a law school, he chose Stanford. My mom, on the other hand, was a city girl from a wealthy background. Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, attending UCLA for undergrad. So basically, my parents are the same exact person. Except my mother came from money and my father didn't. Or I should say, as much money. Two people living on opposite sides of the country, destined to meet each."

"What a story, that's amazing."

"Oh, but it doesn't end there," she says. "Spoiler alert: an unplanned pregnancy happens."

"Oh," I respond.

"Shall I keep going?" She asks with a laugh.

"Yeah," I reply, still curious to know everything about her. "As long as you don't mind."

She nods her head and continues with her story. "My mom got pregnant at 26 and really had no choice but to keep me. They were already engaged and were more than financially stable to have children, so there were absolutely no problems. Except they never wanted children and they didn't want me. They never planned on having kids because they were both career-oriented people and they would both choose their jobs over each other. That's unsaid, but if the situation ever occurred, I'm sure they would. And that wouldn't change when they had me. They wouldn't choose each other over their careers, let alone choose me." Kianna seems very bitter towards her parents, I'm a little sorry I asked.

"You don't have to keep going," I say, hoping to ease some of her pain.

"No, don't worry. It gets better from here, I promise."

"Okay," I say, trusting her.

"So my grandfather, here in Iselin," she reminds me. "- decided to take me on. He raised me with my grandmother until the sixth grade, of course. My grandpa taught me all my life values. He showed me how money wasn't the most important thing in the world and he wishes my father would see that sometimes. He taught me to value friendships and the people I love. I'd see my parents once or twice a month while I lived with here. After fifth grade, my parents decided it was time for me to move to LA with them. I really wanted to stay, so they gave me one year of middle school and then I attended a private middle school with a bunch of kids that were unlike those in Jersey. I'd visit my grandparents often. Heidi's family were our next-door neighbors, so she was always over. And that's how we became best friends 'til this day. After I moved in with them, my father got a giant break in his career, so he bought this house and moved my grandparents into their new home. Growing up, I was so spoiled, but I never saw the obsession with money because I was one of the lucky ones. My parents showered me with presents and gifts and I was really blessed to have my grandparents as guardians. My parents really only had one expectation from me growing up and it was to graduate from Stanford Law."

I listen intently to the story of a girl I used to know. It's extraordinary how the world brings you to certain people; at first, you never know how they'll impact you or if even meeting them serves a purpose in your life. It's funny, but when it finally hits you, it's an amazing feeling.

I didn't think knowing Kianna in kindergarten was anything but sheer coincidence. With the way her life was, she could've have been anywhere else in the country. But for some reason, it was like she was intended to stay and leave nothing but what I thought was a small indent in my life.

I was supposed to forget her and she was meant to come back. That's when I realized what the world had set up for me: I was destined to find Kianna.

And she was destined to find me.

"Is that what you really want to do though?" I ask, continuing the conversation.

"To be honest, I don't really care. I've always planned on just finishing it and educating myself more until I found something I really loved. I think at first, they expected me to do the whole international law thing, but traveling is so exhausting for me, it's such a shame. Vacations, however, are a different story," she laughs. "I've seen what money does to people. It doesn't always change people for the better," she pauses for a little bit and then the tone in her voice changes. "So that kinda hit my talking limit for the next month. What about you? I'd like to hear about you."

"Hi, I'm Nolan," I extend my hand out to her. "Nice to meet you."

She laughs and then shakes my hand, "Nice to meet you. So Nolan, won't you tell me every detail of your life?"

"Every excruciating detail? Are you sure?" I joke and she nods. "Where do I start?" I pause to think. "Hm... so growing up, I've always liked art and drawing. It was something that never bored me, so I decided to take that with me to college and become a graphic design major. In high school, I played baseball with Adam and Nick and it was always my favorite pass time." I stop talking, thinking of more facts about myself. "I'm the middle child of five kids. I have an older brother, an older sister, and two younger brothers. YouTube and making videos is my realest passion and I hope I get to do that for the rest of my life."

She smiles, "So... what do your parents think of your dreams?"

"At first, they weren't supportive. They thought it was just a hobby and I guess at first it was. But then they saw we started to succeed and we actually had a group of people that supported us so they began to be just as supportive. However, the three of us had always been practical, so we decided we'd finish college while also chasing our dreams. And we want to encourage others to chase their dreams too, so we started doing assemblies for middle schools and high schools about bullying and chasing dreams."

"Wow, really? I didn't know you guys did that. I'd love to see it," she remarks.

"Yeah, maybe one day you could." I suggest, knowing how unrealistic it would be.

*Author's Note:
Here's Chapter 16, as promised!
Sorry it's long and informative lol. I just wanted to write Kianna and Nolan getting to know each other better. :) And Kianna's backstory as to why she is the way she is.

Thank you again for all the votes and comments. <3

Hope it wasn't too boring and you enjoyed reading - see you in the next update! :)

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