Not a typical one night stand

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Ultimately Jisung decided it was better to wear this hot guy's clothes than to wear a towel while his own clothes dried. After hiding in the bathroom for a few minutes, he had awkwardly asked for some clothes to change into before finally getting in the shower. Minho had expensive taste when it came to hair products and soap, but Jisung wasn't complaining. His hair was never going to feel this nice again.

After a shower that was probably too long, Jisung dried himself off and then stared at the folded pile of clothes waiting for him. They were clean and they would be cleaned after he wore them but... this was still weird. He'd never borrowed anyone's clothes before. He never had anyone to borrow clothes from. In his mind that was a valid reason for hesitation. 

He would have stood there forever if he wasn't so aware of how much time he was taking in the bathroom. What if Minho needed to use it? What if he was keeping Minho awake?

With those thoughts in his mind, Jisung quickly threw the clothes on, blushing in slight embarrassment at how baggy the shirt and sweatpants seemed. Minho wasn't that much bigger than him, was he?

There was something about the way Minho's clothes smelled that made him want to smell them forever. Similar to his apartment they smelled like something strong and earthy with a hint of sweetness. Almost like coffee but not quite. Whatever it was, Jisung was strangely drawn to it.

The lovely smell grew stronger when he finally exited the bathroom and made his way back to the living room.

Minho was still on the couch and he glanced over his shoulder as Jisung approached. "Everything alright, little librarian?"

"Yes, thank you. I'm really sorry about all this, I promise I'll get out of your hair as soon as possible."

"Don't worry about it." Minho gestured to the couch. "Come sit."

Jisung wordlessly did as told, ensuring there was plenty of space between them. Under Minho's intense stare he felt so... odd, and it made him want to go on the search for his keys as soon as possible just to escape it. He was trying to find something to say in his annoyingly frazzled brain when Minho spoke.

"What's your name?"

Jisung blinked at him. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize I didn't properly introduce myself."

Minho smiled, just a little. "It's okay. There wasn't really time."

"I guess that's true. I'm Jisung."

It was Minho's turn to blink at him. "Jisung? That's pretty. And it's Korean?"

Okay, we're getting into familiar, conversational territory. It's fine. "Yeah, I was born there, just raised here since I was about three."

"It's good to see a fellow Korean."

"Well not really. I was raised here and I only know a few Korean words and phrases. My mom tried teaching me about our culture as much as she could but she never had much time to do it."

"Where you live doesn't change your heritage." Minho held his hand out. "But let's start this properly. Hi Jisung, I'm Minho. Nice to meet you."

Jisung couldn't help smiling a little as he took the other's hand and shook it. "Hi Minho. Good to meet you too... while I'm wearing your clothes."

Minho huffed a small laugh. "This is one strange one night stand, wouldn't you say?"

A disbelieving laugh escaped Jisung's chest. "I mean you're not wrong, but... what a thing to say to a total stranger," he teased, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow in mock judgement.

"You're a pretty stranger, so it's okay." Minho spoke casually, getting to his feet like he didn't just say something that made Jisung forget how to speak. "You're welcome to take the couch tonight. I'm sure you don't want to go on the hunt for your keys in a storm in the middle of the night."

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