A friend

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A few days passed since the 'one night stand' and Jisung hadn't heard anything from Minho since that morning. Not that he really expected to. There really wasn't a need for them to talk again, so it only made sense. Still, that didn't stop him from feeling a small twinge of disappointment.

There was one morning that Jisung saw Minho getting into a white car and driving off. They shared a wave, and that was it. Jisung was a little embarrassed at himself for being so disappointed with the lack of contact from a virtual stranger. How lonely did he have to be to feel this way?

After a week, Jisung was well on the way to forgetting about the whole thing. He was engrossed in replacing old labels on the shelves when the sounds of a group of people came into the library. Beth greeted them cheerfully as always, they asked her a few questions. And then they started coming toward the tables near him.

Jisung decided to come back to this spot and picked up the small boxes that held the old labels he already tore off and the new ones he was working on putting up. He accidentally dropped his phone in the process and he tried catching it on instinct like an idiot. The device smacked the box with the new labels, sending it spilling all over the floor.

"What luck," he muttered under his breath, crouching.

A hand adorning two black rings grabbed the box before he could. Jisung's head jerked up, and his eyes met familiar feline eyes.

Minho gave him a very small smile. "Let me help you," he whispered.

Yup, Jisung was already blushing. He noticed the group of people setting up on a table nearby glancing over at them with questioning eyes. "No, you go do what you came to do, I can handle this."

Minho was already picking up scraps of paper. "You're not very good at accepting my help. Should I be personally offended?" he asked, a teasing tone in his words.

"No," Jisung countered, helping pick up the mess as well, "I already owe you as it is."

"You can just owe me something else," Minho offered, meeting Jisung's eyes with a small smile.

Jisung couldn't stop the smile forming on his lips. "That's not very selfless of you, is it?"

"Did I ever say I was selfless?"

"I guess not." Jisung could smell that wonderful scent now that he was so close to Minho and he refrained from commenting on it. He didn't want to make things weird like he did the other night.

Once the mess was all cleaned up, Minho handed him the box. "Thank you."

"Of course." Minho straightened from where he was crouched and helped Jisung to his feet. "While we're on the topic of you owing me, I have a request."

Jisung became very aware of his heart beating a little too hard in his chest. "What is it?" he asked, his voice far more quiet than he wanted it to be.

"I was thinking you could give me a little tour of Westfair. I've been here a few weeks, but I haven't had time to really explore. And I've only met a few people in classes."

"Yo Minho, you comin'?" one of the guys in the study group called.

Minho didn't take his eyes off Jisung. "So? What do you think?"

This is not a date, Jisung, just keep that in mind. Do not panic, I repeat, do not panic. Jisung smiled. "Yeah, I'll be glad to. It sounds fun."

A blinding smile grew on Minho's beautiful face. "Perfect. I'll text you when I'm free and we'll try to work out a time."


As Minho strolled away Jisung noticed Beth across the way winking at him in a very obvious way and fanning herself as if she witnessed the cutest thing ever. Jisung rolled his eyes with a bashful smile and disappeared into the shelves.

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