Drunken Intentions

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"No way you did that."

Minho shrugged, a sly smile on his face. "Like I said, my sister and I aren't the best of friends. We're pretty much rivals and always have been."

"So you stole her car and left it somewhere random just because you're rivals?" Jisung shook his head, taking another small bite of his food. "You are a little crazy, you know that?"

"Well she stole my date to the gala, I had to return the favor."

Jisung laughed. "So you were a sassy, rebellious teen. Are you still that way?"

"Hard to say." Minho took a sip of his water.

"So if I were to... I don't know, steal someone you were going to take on a date, would you steal the keys to my apartment?"

Minho raised an eyebrow, a smirk beginning to form on his lips. "I don't know if you'd do that. I don't think you and I have the same type."

Why did the conversation suddenly feel dangerous? Jisung smiled, propping his head in his hand as he leaned forward a little. "Really? Then what do you think my type is?"

"I don't know about your tastes, but I do know mine. I like boys and girls, I'm blanking on what it's called in English. So I have a wider range of types, I guess you could say."

Jisung's smile widened, just a fraction. "It's bisexual," he reminded, "and if you have a wide range of types, I might steal someone you like by accident."

Minho shrugged. "I could honestly see you stealing everyone by accident. You have a pretty face, cute hair, cute glasses."

Heat rushed to Jisung's cheeks and he rolled his eyes playfully. "Okay, Mr. Flirt, I get it. You can have everyone so you flirt with everyone."

"No, I only flirt with the pretty ones." Minho took a large bite of his food, smiling smugly as Jisung choked slightly and coughed.

"What a cruel man you are, Lee Minho."

Minho laughed. "You're fun to mess with, Jisung. By the way, it's a little unfair that you know my last name to scold me with while I don't know yours."

Jisung let his own smug smile shine. "That only gives me more reason to keep it secret.

"Now who's cruel?"

"I guess we both are."

They narrowed challenging glares on each other. Jisung could feel something stirring in his chest as he kept his eyes on Minho's. It didn't take him long to break.

"Han. Jisung Han. Or I guess, Han Jisung."

Minho's eyes widened a fraction. It was so fast and subtle that Jisung nearly missed it. "Okay, Han. Shall I call you Hannie? Would that get on your nerves?"

The nickname was strangely cute but Jisung would never admit that. "It might, yes."

"It's either that or Chipmunk."

Jisung's brows twitched up. "We don't have to be friends, you know. It's mean to call each other names."

"Then you're no fun."

Jisung stuck his tongue out. And then they both laughed.

For the rest of the dinner they talked about Minho's life back in Korea and how Jisung was close enough with Beth to have dinner with her every Wednesday night. Minho expressed a bit of jealousy with that, and it was understandable. His father was rather distant, more boss and business man than father, and his mother mostly spent time with his sister, Yu-Mi.

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