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*This song is the one you MUST listen to with this chapter... cause I did a lot lol. (Jk you don't have to do anything).
*If not showing it's Hungry Eyes- Eric Carmen (or from dirty dancing)

*ALSO I listened to specific songs just for this chapter, so if you want a playlist for this chapter (and the songs that are mentioned) I shall provide: (in no particular order)

*Every breath you take- The Police
*Hopelessly devoted to you- Olivia Newton (from grease)
* Take my breath away- Berlin
* I wanna know what love is- Foreigner
*Careless whisper- George Michael
*Total eclipse of the heart- Bonnie Tyler

Okay, I'm done being annoying. Listen to those, or don't. Enjoy!

Jisung was a ball of nerves. Minho flew in last night and he wanted to meet at Mort's Book Cafe for breakfast to help him get over the jet lag. And Jisung was on the verge of crumbling into dust.

He was at the library early when he got the text, and for the past twenty minutes he'd paced up and down one of the aisles, not wanting Beth to see him in such distress over the person he cared about coming back. At this point he'd gotten over being nervous or anxious about seeing Minho, but those nerves were back in full force now that he'd realized the true depth of his feelings.

Jisung knew it was a little silly to freak out over his feelings, but they'd only been on one date! Would he seem weird or crazy for loving someone so quickly? His brain argued that he'd known Minho for months now. It was November 18th, and they met on September 2nd. That was a fair amount of time to get to know someone, right? But to love someone? Was he crazy?

"Ji, are you going to breakfast with Minho?"

Jisung quickly composed himself at the sound of Beth's voice coming toward him. "Uh, yeah, just walking some energy off really quick." 

Beth appeared at the end of the aisle with a soft smile. "Deary, I can hear your bones jittering from here. What's wrong?"

Damn, she's too good. "Nothing," he brushed off, crossing his arms close over his dark blue hoodie.

"Nothing. Okay. Then have fun." She turned away.

"Wait, okay, it isn't nothing," Jisung quickly sputtered, rushing forward to catch her arm. He pushed his glasses up anxiously. "It's just... I think I..." Why was it so hard to breathe all of a sudden?

Beth grabbed his arms, rubbing them soothingly. "It's okay, take a breath. What is it?"

Jisung took a deep breath. "I'm scared."

"What are you scared of?" she asked softly, patiently.

His heart was thudding so hard in his chest, he was sure the sound of it was echoing through the entire library. "I'm... I think I'm in love with Minho. I'm totally in love with him, and I don't know what to do about it. I don't even know if this is real love that I'm feeling or if I just think I'm in love because I don't actually have experience with it-"

"Whoa, slow down," Beth stopped his rambling. "You don't need experience to know if you love someone, my dear."

"But how do I know if it's real?"

She tilted her head in thought. "Think of it like this. Do you feel completely confident and sure when you say out loud that you love chocolate?"

Jisung raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"Do you feel confident and sure when you say that you love me?"


"Then try to say it out loud like you did, and listen to your emotions."

The Sound of Rain ^Minsung^Where stories live. Discover now